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Shouldn't stormcloak soldiers be hostile to the Thalmor?


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Good afternoon everybody!


So I attacked a group of Thalmor (they had a prisoner with them) near Solitude.

I ran away towards the stormcloak camp that was nearby, the Thalmor followed me.


But when I arrived at the stormcloak camp the soldiers there did nothing.


Wouldn't it make sense for the stormcloaks to attack the thalmor on sight?

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Good afternoon everybody!


So I attacked a group of Thalmor (they had a prisoner with them) near Solitude.

I ran away towards the stormcloak camp that was nearby, the Thalmor followed me.


But when I arrived at the stormcloak camp the soldiers there did nothing.


Wouldn't it make sense for the stormcloaks to attack the thalmor on sight?

That is a valid point. Would love to see that. :)

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  • 4 months later...

Good afternoon everybody!


So I attacked a group of Thalmor (they had a prisoner with them) near Solitude.

I ran away towards the stormcloak camp that was nearby, the Thalmor followed me.


But when I arrived at the stormcloak camp the soldiers there did nothing.


Wouldn't it make sense for the stormcloaks to attack the thalmor on sight?


Ya, this is super BS; I thought the same thing. But like you've said they just don't. To me it's backwards but after so many playthoughs watching the Thalmor transport their Prisoner (Talos Worshipper, Likely Stormcloak, Just any Nord that refused to lick their boots) and the Stormcloaks just never even seem to care. I have the factions patrol on horse's mod and that still doesnt change anything around this. Anyway besides that tremendious plothole I always kill the escorts and usually bring an extra weapon to give the prisoner atleast a chance. This is totally contradictory but it is what it is I guess.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think a better Skyrim story should have been the Thalmor as the hidden hand behind both side of the conflict.

The Thalmor would use divide and conquer to destabilize the Empire. Control Politicians and influential Merchants through an ever expanding East Empire Company or [European Economic Community [coincidence?], all the way to the King himself.

The Player eventually finds out that this is a Global Thalmor conspiracy who themselves are controlled by interdenominational entities who want to destroy all life on Nirn but not before their souls are enslaved and the Thalmor are granted eternal life of debauched Godhood.


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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

I think a better Skyrim story should have been the Thalmor as the hidden hand behind both side of the conflict.

The Thalmor would use divide and conquer to destabilize the Empire. Control Politicians and influential Merchants through an ever expanding East Empire Company or [European Economic Community [coincidence?], all the way to the King himself.

The Player eventually finds out that this is a Global Thalmor conspiracy who themselves are controlled by interdenominational entities who want to destroy all life on Nirn but not before their souls are enslaved and the Thalmor are granted eternal life of debauched Godhood.


East Empire Company is analogue to "East" India Company or any trading company which trades with non-European people.


Last Dragonborn (LDB) discovering Thalmor's true goal of annihilating creation and return to pre-creation state is possible but outside of Skyrim's usual players' interest (meta) and lacking possible steps for that (in-universe; Blades have no manpower and recently converted themself to draagon-slaying faction; Imperial Legion and Penitus Oculatus are not likely to share intel without need-to-know basis; Stormcloaks have no known contact for intelligence; other factions in Skyrim have interest in Thalmor's motivations.

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