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Where Do You fall under the new political spectrum?


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Esquire recently did a new survey poll to determine where people fall under the political spectrum.... the results were shocking....


The data found 51% were independents, 28% were republicans, and 21% were liberals... this means neither democratic party or the Republican party remotely represent a majority of the nation...


They ended up splitting the data into 8 different groups, which 4 out of the 8 groups represented the new middle.. 2 groups representing the left and the other 2 representing the right....


If you wish to take the test the link is below....




After I took the test I fell under one of the two left groups representing only 10% of the nation. The poll labeled me a "bleeding heart"




Would be interesting to see where others fall....

Edited by colourwheel
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No surprises there. Not a US citizen though, so some questions were somewhat hard to answer correctly and thus the outcome may not be entirely accurate.



The data found 51% were independents, 28% were republicans, and 21% were liberals... this means neither democratic party or the Republican party remotely represent a majority of the nation...


They ended up splitting the data into 8 different groups, which 4 out of the 8 groups represented the new middle.. 2 groups representing the left and the other 2 representing the right....


High time to split up the parties I'd say. The US 2 party system is outdated by the looks of it.


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I don't think there's anything shocking about finding out that half the population are independent, the Republicans and Democrats are different cheeks of the same establishment arse, neither represent the people.


I'm not a U.S citizen so I sort of answered some of these as what I would do rather than what I did do....



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Without taking the poll, I can tell you I'm an independent with very liberal beliefs. In all likelihood I, too, would have been classified a "bleeding heart".


I can see this is quickly going to turn into a political shouting match so I'm gonna get in and get out.


Why I didn't participate in the poll.



1. Too often these things are structured to glean certain information to be used as weapons for/against one of the reigning political parties. Let me be more specific. The first question asks my opinion of our current economic situation. If the end result is to be classified somewhere between Bleeding Heart and Right Wing Radical, how is one's opinion of the economy relevant? A more appropriate question would have been something like, "Should the government fund programs to bolster the job market?" A response to this would indeed indicate one's leanings, be it liberal or conservative. Esquire already has a pretty good idea of the demographics of its readership and can therefore predict the outcome somewhat accurately. Don't be surprised when you see this headline in the near future, "Recent poll in Esquire indicates 68% of Americans are disenchanted with the current economic situation."

2. I will not support any organization that continues to perpetuate the idea beauty/sexiness is only measured by physical appearance and celebrities are the standard by which we measure. The idea women/men must maintain the physical appearance of a celebrity to be considered beautiful/sexy is revolting.



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Partisan crackpots have been boring the crap out of everybody for years. The biggest lies are usually told after the following statement " I think the American people think....."


They hope they get by with using talking points that they've group tested for favorability and then do their best to manipulate those talking points to reflect their ideals. It's like listening to a telemarketer when your diner is getting cold.



Click here for more on the Minivan Moderates and other segments on the ideological spectrum.
http://www.snakbloxapps.com/SnakBloxApp-Esquire/img/fb_share.jpghttp://www.snakbloxapps.com/SnakBloxApp-Esquire/img/twitter_share.jpg http://www.snakbloxapps.com/SnakBloxApp-Esquire/img/emaillabel.jpg
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Betcha this surprises some , though have taken this sort of test before and usually land closer to the center but still a shade to the right . Some of the questions were very American perspective orientated and found it not answerable in my Canadian sensibilities .




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Esquire recently did a new survey poll to determine where people fall under the political spectrum.... the results were shocking....


The data found 51% were independents, 28% were republicans, and 21% were liberals... this means neither democratic party or the Republican party remotely represent a majority of the nation...


They ended up splitting the data into 8 different groups, which 4 out of the 8 groups represented the new middle.. 2 groups representing the left and the other 2 representing the right....


If you wish to take the test the link is below....




After I took the test I fell under one of the two left groups representing only 10% of the nation. The poll labeled me a "bleeding heart"


http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_images/underground/attachicon.gifBleeding Heart.jpg


Would be interesting to see where others fall....



I found this on MSN. It defines the different areas of the populous that your link speaks about



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