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I don't associate with Nazis


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Isn't this topic like blaming Obama for everything from in America? ...

I mean, you yell at the Nexus for YOUR opinion on a SYMBOL that YOU think means what YOU want it to believe?


... When did people become so sore, and so attached to the past? I get the saying "He who don't know history is doomed to repeat it", which is okay. But really, do you blame a symbol for what happened? Do you also blame the German today for what happened?


Ugh, this topic was unnecessary. It will only gain flame and hate in all directions.


Budcat, my friend, you should stop expressing your opinion so much. You see, we really don't want to know it.



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People will read whatever they want to read into things. There are people who cry 'pedo' when they see a child follower mod. Then Bethesda put adoptable children into Skyrim. :rolleyes:

I'm sure there are also people who stopped drinking Heineken beer because it has a "communist red star" on its label so they must be supporting communism. :whistling:




Also, never mind the fact that we do ban people who openly declare their Nazi beliefs (like this one).

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Storm, meet teacup. Teacup, meet storm. Feck me.


As moderators, and not one of the mindless hordes jumping on the bandwagon, it's our job to try and remain impartial and attempt to acknowledge meaning behind actions rather than taking everything at face value like a drivelling idiot.


What do we have here? A very, very well made outfit with a swastika symbol on it from a relatively well known mod author with 9 files to his name, a year's registration time and plenty of posts. It's extremely clear that a crap ton of work has gone in to the mod, and if you're trying to flame or troll people you don't do it with some great work like that, and you don't do it when you know it could get you banned. That's just not logical. The symbol has a deep history that goes well beyond the atrocities committed in the 1900s and yet, for some reason, the (slanted diamond) symbol of the actual Nazi party was used instead of the original, more peaceful symbol. I don't know the reasons why that symbol was used and until I do know I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt that it was an oversight from naivety rather than anything malicious, as we have absolutely no grounds to believe it was put there for any other reason. Indeed, if you read the comments for the file you'll see the intention of the author is to use a pre-Nazi swastika.


Now, we're not against even allowing Nazi clothing here. There was uproar some years back when some Nazi uniforms were released as a mod for Fallout New Vegas. Some people couldn't understand that there might be valid reasons for adding Nazi uniforms to your game, or other mods, without it meaning you're a Nazi supporter who likes genocide. Examples would include a Wolfenstein tribute, making a mod with links back to WW2 (e.g. a plotline involving Nazism sweeping Europe again after the apocalyptic events of the Fallout universe, which isn't even beyond the realms of possibility) or replacing the Caesars, for example, with Nazis because they were a lot like Nazis. That's personal choice. The difference is here, that this isn't about straight up Nazi uniforms but instead a perfectly innocent piece of clothing with a Nazi symbol attached to it. That's why it's odd, and that's why I want to investigate more before reaching any sort of conclusion.


One might question why exactly you'd want to even put the older symbol on a piece of clothing when you know there's a s*** ton of mindless dolts out there who can't see past "hur dur, dat der's duh Nazi symbol, that bad" but we've managed to create a community whereby if you really, really want to take on these mindless idiots without the moderators removing your work, and you have done nothing wrong, then you can. As people know, we're quite tolerant of content here mainly because we like to think people are mature enough to be able to handle their differences. Now, I will totally grant people that the symbol in the mod is a nazi symbol. You can get upset about that if you so wish. I'd rather get to the bottom of why exactly there's a nazi symbol being used in a clothing mod without starting a ridiculously farcical witch hunt before I know all the facts. I've opened up communication with the mod author for this very reason.


Before people go ape s*** about history and atrocities, and my lack of respect, I've paid my respects at Auschwitz in Poland , where I cried, as well as locations like Anne Frank's house in Amsterdam. I have been on many world war tours from Normandy, to Italy, to Germany, to Poland and beyond. I'm aware of what happened. I do NOT think that a silly symbol on a mod demeans those experiences. I do not think that a Nazi symbol in a mod turns people in to Nazis, or gives them atrocious thoughts, or makes light of the atrocities that occurred. Because I'm not stupid. And I like to think most of the users here aren't stupid either. And that's why this mod is still here. Because you're not stupid.


I know you're not.


Please don't be stupid.



After writing this post I followed it up with some further reading and research, along with communication with the author, that has educated me that the symbol in the mod itself isn't actually the Nazi swastika as I had originally said (more information here). I shall take back this implication, however, I shall leave what I originally said in tact for people to see with this addendum to act as clarification.

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@MostlyMuggie: It's on the front page. Daughter of War.


Just my two cents: Even if it was completely unintentional (and as bizarre as it seems, I think in this case it might have been), I find it very offensive. It is on a piece of armor that the player is meant to wear, and in the exact same spot as the Nazis wore them. The Nexus wouldn't tolerate posters using racial slurs, even if it was unintentional and intended it to mean something else (some literal meaning).


It is truly amazing work, but I don't think that should factor in at all. I do think his stated intention counts for a lot. But my opinion is that it is offensive and does not reflect well on the Nexus. A Wolfenstein tribute this is not.

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