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Is this legit? does mods authors knows someone is making profit out of em?


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  On 9/2/2022 at 3:22 PM, HeyYou said:

Nope. Not legit. In fact, that is rather illegal, in so many ways. Maybe send a link to the site to the good folks at Bethesda/Microsoft. :smile:

I normally don't like to narc out mod sites, but yeah. I second this, report that one to Bethesda.

Not just for trying to (at least on the surface) sell mods, but who knows if that's a phishing site, that is just out to get people's bank accounts.

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The site is just cartoonishly weird and I'm not sure if brazen or just terrible crawler code.

When you click the links, you are given options like S, M, L, XL. Lmao.

Honestly it's probably urgent to take this site down. It has a certificate but sells things that aren't theirs and that are impossible to sell, with full payment service. People will be giving them credit info and who knows what else. Even if no money is withdrawn they might email-wise phish stuff off the person in the next step, or advice him/her to use some shady affiliated internet-cash service to further entangle.

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  On 9/8/2022 at 3:15 PM, RaidersClamoring said:

The site is just cartoonishly weird and I'm not sure if brazen or just terrible crawler code.


When you click the links, you are given options like S, M, L, XL. Lmao.


Honestly it's probably urgent to take this site down. It has a certificate but sells things that aren't theirs and that are impossible to sell, with full payment service. People will be giving them credit info and who knows what else. Even if no money is withdrawn they might email-wise phish stuff off the person in the next step, or advice him/her to use some shady affiliated internet-cash service to further entangle.

I didn'r click any links, because it gives me exactly that vibe. The fact that its a RUssian site, doesn't help. (well, it helps to understand its probably a bogus 'we want all your money' site.)

Edited by RoNin1971
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  • 3 weeks later...

after thinking about this post a couple days you might be able to report is as a possible terroist funding site since all this crap with russia and the ukrain is going on and with putan threating to use nukes on anyone that he dont like. would get the ball rolling alot faster than just a simple report to anybody else

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