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Need help editing dlc


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Why do you need to change it to an esm? I think it would work just fine if you keep it as an esp file.


Probably because an ESP can't be a master for a patch. Wrye Bash has/had a utility to flip the flag that identified a master to the game (Esmify Self) but I believe that has been removed from more recent versions of WB. As has been pointed out the modern way is to use Construction Set Extender which includes the ability to use ESPs as masters to other ESPs.

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If you want to make edits in that castle, you load that ESM into CS, but you do not set it to active.


Make some changes in the castle and also try to delete a single object and save your changes as a new ESP.


Go in to the game, see if all changes are visible and also see if the object you deleted are gone and you are set to go. making changes to an ESM is not advisable, but possible, and I did it and released one. It depends really what you changed, and as mentioned, if that esm is in your Wry bash patch, you need to remake that patch as well. Do it easy, make an ESP as everyone else does, based on the ESM or your choice. That way, you have full control really. You do get one more mod in your mod-list but does that really matter?


Delete that test ESP, and load that base ESM into CS again. Make the real changes you want to make and save it as a new ESP. You start making a single change, save it and continue and save time to time into the new esp. Test the changes in the game time to time, when you feel like it, continue later with more changes.

Edited by Pellape
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So I'm trying to edit the battlehorn man-at-arms to make them stronger and give them different equipment. But if I change the dlc into an esm and make my edits then go into the game while that dlc file is an esm the game world breaks, and everyone dies and if I change the dlc file back the an esp the game works but the mod I made the edits for man-at-arms doesn't work.

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AHHH. It is not an ESM to start with. :D My fault I did not double check it in the first place really, as I am so used to Skyrim, where all CK Club content is either ESM or ESL.


Lets start all over. DO NOT make that castle DLC into an ESM to start with. Leave it as an ESP as it is meant to be that. ESM files are most suitable to hold Objects, like the stuff you add in the left window in CS, not references in the Preview window, placed in the game world on the right side. So we could call it a golden role.

  • Stuff on the left side only -> ESM
  • Stuff on the right side only -> ESP
  • Combined Left and Right side -> ESP

1. Load the DLCBatlleHornCastle.ESP into CS but do not set it Active.

Make some changes and save it to a new ESP. Test it in game.


Backup the DLCBatlleHornCastle.ESP, which you probably already did, I guess.


2. Load the DLCBatlleHornCastle.ESP into CS but set it Active.

Make some changes and save it into the same ESP, which is default for all active ESP's. Test it in game and this should really work perfect really but if it does not, go back to 1.


You can never rename an ESP into an ESM and expect it to work properly. One thing that might cause glitches is if there was changes to the landscape, as those changes might not be visible in game if it is an ESM but visible if it is an ESP, and it has to do with the load order, not because it is an esm. All ESM files loads before any ESP. So even if you try to put an ESM far down in your load order, it will load before any ESP if i am not wrong, so all esp can overwrite any esm really. I have only made 1 esm that I released.


I did make a mod ones that looked like this:

  • Stuff on the left side only -> ESM
  • Stuff on the right side only -> ESP

If I released it or not, I cannot recall as most stuff I made 2006-2008 was uploaded to sites that do not exist any more. I think it was a pain in the rear, loading the esm, add objects, save it, open the esp, place the stuff into the Right side, into the cells, getting new ideas of objects, close the esp and save it, open the esm add the staff, close it and open the esp and add them as well into the cells. That was so damn frustrating and tiresome after a while. I gave up that perfect way to make stuff really. It required more work than it was worth honestly. I bet you get tired of just reading this no sense BS. :D

Edited by Pellape
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Ok so I tried both options and first one enabling the dlc and not setting it as active I made my changes saved it then went into the game and it crashed. So, I tried the second one enabling the dlc and setting it as active that does work but if I'd try to upload it to the nexus wouldn't that not work because that's literally the dlc file?

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