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game loading forever


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I used to play F4 on console but now decided to try modded experience for the first time and unofrtunately while excited I am stuck at loading screen (after selecting new game, I get into the menu).


Seems there are no conflicts, the game says "modes are loaded" when I start new one but all I see is the black screen with fallout loading icon in the corner.


The Fallout4.exe process doesnt even use any GPU (barely) or memory similar to web browser, also almost 0 disk (in task manager).


I have waited around 10 minutes and tried few times. Any ideas? :(



Edited by KafkeKretz
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Ok, this is gonna sound really stupid.

But... I really, really am asking genuinely.


Are you tapping any buttons or keys, while you are seeing that little "working" icon down in the lower corner?


I ask, because some mods you actually do need to press the "any" key, to keep moving forward past those black screens.

I noticed it way way back when I was playing on PS4. And then again when I moved over to PC.


For me it's the action button "A" on my controller. I'm reading on the internet that it's the "E" key on a keyboard.


How long it takes for it to get past that screen from that point, really depends on the speed of your hardware, after that.


[Edit] Oh, and if possible, or you haven't already: Installing the game files to a good Solid State Drive will help cut down those loading screen times.[/Edit]

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"Used to play on a console"? I assume you are running on a PC now? If so, I have a couple of off the wall suggestions that might help if you are running windows 10. They may shuk and jive on windows 11, but, I don't run that OS....yet. I'll wait 'till 2025.
First off, try downloading and installing a program called "Empty Standby List". You have to create a task in windows task manager to install, but, there are a multitude of tutorials out there to aid you. Window is notoriously horrid at releasing RAM from it's cache, this little gem alleviates that issue. I actually seen my cached memory go from 7 gigs, down to half a gig.....Perhaps the game can't access cached RAM?

Also, for some strange reason, I capped my 144hz monitor to 120 hz in windows, Also capped my fps to 60. this seemed to help with in-game ctd's. Perhaps because 120hz is a multiple of 60? There are programs out there that will let you run the game at over 60fps, but, wait 'till you have more experience in modding before you delve into that.

Here is a logical and concise video to get you started with MO2 and the Fallout script extender.....

Also, Better settlers need to be at, or near the bottom of your load order.

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