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The Pop-Ups on this site is killing me!


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Hi Again, Hluill :smile:

Glad to help you out some.

Ok, so. Using and ad-blocker or a a browser that has built in ad-blocking (Opera Browser handles it very, very nicely!) would be my first suggestion about the annoyance. Doesn't cure the problem in general, but allows You not to have to deal with it. (It also works with the advertisements that play ahead of videos at Youtube! :D )


There are also settings in the browser that you are already using, which sets it so that videos don't automatically start playing. https://www.consumerreports.org/internet/how-to-stop-videos-from-autoplaying/


Doesn't always work. Especially in advert videos. But it helps in a lot of cases.


Your browser should also have settings that allow you to enable/disable that feature of allowing the video to track down the page as you scroll.

But.... for the life of me... I'm having a terrible brain fart and CANNOT think of WHAT that feature is called!!! :wacko: :wallbash: :wallbash:

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  • 7 months later...
Guest deleted34304850

And the half-screen pop-up is back!


That Hulu and Prime add that drops down from the top is really ridiculous!

i've never seen it. but hey, a couple of dollars gets rid of them forever, you may want to consider it.

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I agree. The premium price is $3.99/month. The same as a cup of coffee. Money well spent if you are an active user.

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I appreciate your support guys, but it shouldn't be a requirement to buy Premium for basic usage of the website. (If an advert is exploding out of it's designated container, that's not good!)


If the advert is significantly more distracting that you feel is sensible or it's preventing you from using the site in some way, please see this thread: https://help.nexusmods.com/article/100-how-to-report-bad-or-inappropriate-ads


We don't have any direct control over the ads shown but with this info we can feed back to the advertising providers to have it reviewed and potentially removed from their rotation.

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I truly appreciate all the guidance for taking screenshots! I even received a class from my wife!


Since posting, the popups have gone away, mostly (the invasive video in the bottom right still plays, repeatedly).


But now the page will randomly scroll to the bottom of the page, sometime mid-click.


So the pop-ups have gone away, but I still have the random noise from the right-bottom video and a random page-down scroll.

Ublock Origins and AdBlocker Plus.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Have not seen the Prime "screen blocker in a few weeks, but the Hulu one is getting worse. Sometimes refresh lets me get free enough from it to navigate. It really is prohibitive to the functioning of this site.

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