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Enemy Within Discovery Thread


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Disabled EW phoning home through hosts. No freezes this time. Seems, previous freezes were related to Steam auto-update problems and it was just a coincidence. Yesterday many peoples on Steam and 2K forums reported game freeze/crash too, seems it's Steam-related issue. Hope it will be fixed soon.


Can you tell us how you did that? I would like to make some modifications to the Satellite-related elements.


See my response in your separate 'Enemy Within "Phone Home" ' thread on this subject.



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So I'm not a huge fan of the gene-mod soldiers armor decos. Is there a way to make it so gene-mod soldiers use the default armor decos? I'd really like that.


EDIT: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I AM DRUNK WITH POWER!! So I went into the Default Content Config file and just below the armor kit things is a list of armor deco things. (I'm in on the lingo I know) There is a bunch of armor deco lines that look like this.


Not sure if I posted that right, anyways all rights to Firaxis. So a bunch of lines lower then this is has the exact same format except GM (Gene-Mod) is thrown in. So I left the GM in the achetype and removed all instances of GM within the quotations so that when the game goes to look for the gene-mod achetypes it takes the default ones instead! And it worked! Nothing I try works on the first try! Anyways I hope someone gets a kick out of this and maybe were annoyed as I was about the gene-mod skins.
EDIT2: So not a total victory, while the soldier is not longer wearing an armored tank-top into battle, switching the armor decos only switches the shoulder pads and elbow pads as if they still had the gene-mod skin. I don't really mind though, but just letting people who might want to copy me,


I think I found another way of doing this. XComGame.upk's XComPerkManager.HasAnyGeneMod function determines whether or not a character has a gene mod. I believe this is used in the MapCharacterToPawn function somewhere to determine whether to use the normal models or the GM ones, but I'd have to do some more digging. I haven't found the right class for the MCTP function yet, I'll have to look harder for that.


Theoretically, you could just change HasAnyGeneMod to always be false, but I think such a drastic change would affect things like the GM DNA icon behind the class icon, as well as other things that might have more mechanical effects.

Edited by fardriel
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I used ToolBoks 1.4 SWF extractor on the EW Command1 file and got 88 flash files out of it. The zip is 4mb (and 7Z is 1) so to big to attach but I'll look at it to see what's changed and if it would be possible to redo some of the past ui mods.

It's nice to know that when you're not spreading malicious rumours and misinformation about me that you actually find my work of some use.


Perhaps next time you'll check your facts and file a bug report instead of stirring up an unnecessary sh*t-storm :smile:


Good to know someone has gotten use out of the SWF Extractor :smile: . I'm happy to hear of any other similar features that modders might find useful, as long as it's done in a constructive manner, unlike previous "bug reports" :smile:

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I'm not sure if this is new or not, but the only documentation I could find on the critical wound will penalty put it in XComGame.upk in the XComUnitPawn.OnTakeDamage function. (source: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/820524-interesting-upk-stuff-ive-found/?p=6664613) I could never actually find that function, but I did find XGUnit.OnTakeDamage. It contained the lines mentioned in the link.


I'm pretty sure it was always there, as randomly moving it from one class to another seems like a lot of work for no actual gain that I can see; they added the conditional that the character can't have the Secondary Heart gene mod, but it'd be easier to reference the HasUpgrade() from where it is than to move the function. On the other hand, if it IS new to EU, then it belongs here, so I figured I'd mention it in case it is.

Edited by fardriel
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err, i used it, i saw it patched the hex into the exec file but the game crashed 0xc000142 as if it has not been patched


Have you used Resource Hacker after using Mod Helper?


Restore backup of the executable, can be reaquired by Verify Integrity of Game Cache with Steam. Then run the game once.


Next use Mod Helper with EWConfig.xml and edit XEW\XComGame\Config\DefaultGameCore.ini to change whatever you desire. No Resource Hacker needed.


Hey yo, so I ran the mod helper, got it to match. Never touched Resource Hacker or even edited the gamecore but I still get the 0xc error. Any aide? :/

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Am spending a little time digging out the specifics of how the Mimetic Skin gene-mod works and where the code is.


The core functionality of activating Mimetic Skin is implemented in XComTacticalController.ParsePath:

            if((Path.IsEndPointHighCover() || kUnit.GetCharacter().HasUpgrade(5) && Path.IsEndPointLowCover()) && kUnit.GetVisibleEnemies().Length == 0)
                    kMimeticSkin = XGAbility_GameCore(kUnit.FindAbility(73, none));

The first condition checks that the end point is next to high cover. Relative position of the high cover to any enemy troops doesn't matter. Alternatively Low Profile + Low Cover will activate.


The last part of that condition is 'kUnit.GetVisibleEnemies().Length == 0'. This should be checking whether the unit (the one with mimetic skin) can see any enemy units. For example a stealthed seeker nearby that can see the target's current position will not affect this.


A couple of other fun-facts:

1) In XGAbility_GhostGrenade.CanTargetUnit, units with mimetic skin cannot be targeted by ghost grenades.


2) Mimetic skin units don't uncloak at the beginning of the turn because of the following code in XGUnit.OnTurnBeginHook:

    if((!GetCharacter().HasUpgrade(95) && !IsAffectedByAbility(91)) && !IsAffectedByAbility(92))

Abilities 91 and 92 are stealth from other sources (such as ghost armor). 91 is for regular stealth while 92 is a special mirrored version for multiplayer (only can happen to the client player I think).

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I don't know if this was possible in XCOM EU, but if you set the skyranger = capacity to anything higher than 6, the additional soldiers will spawn in one spot together in a random area of the map. On some maps however (at least, the one where you start off on a rooftop under construction), the additional soldiers will spawn inside the skyranger and unable to move.


Also they may spawn in the air out in the open, unable to move (but have line of sight to targets.)


Just an fyi... :p

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Hey yo, so I ran the mod helper, got it to match. Never touched Resource Hacker or even edited the gamecore but I still get the 0xc error. Any aide? :/


I'd verify integrity of game cache with Steam, then run the game once to see if it's working an then start modding.


I've tried this right now and it works fine.

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Hi -- I'm hoping someone knows how to edit the mac/steam version of Enemy Within so that I can modify the DGC.ini. The offset location given in the wiki for Enemy Unknown doesn't work for Enemy Within. The wiki and the other threads suggest that it's possible to make this modification, I just haven't been able to figure how to do it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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