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Skyrim AE GoG - Seperate Game


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Would it be possible to have Vortex manage the GoG version of Skyrim Anniversary Edition so that I can swap between the Steam and GoG versions easier, similarly to how you would with the LE and VR versions?

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Unfortunately, those solutions would not work with my specific issue. I'm going to look into making a Vortex Extension. Wish me luck!

Update: I've got Vortex to see the game separately but it seems that due to them using the same GAME_ID, they still use the same paths for modding.
I believe I could detach the GoG version from the Nexus's GAME_ID I'm just not sure what the repercussions of that would be. Most likely an inability to download/update mods directly from the site.
Perhaps a Vortex Dev could give me some advice?

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I figured that would be the case and probably the best solution. As long as I can manage my mods and work on getting mods from the Steam version to the GoG version with as few hoops as possible. Thank you for your information!

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I have attempted to add plugin support and I can kind of see how it could be done, I'm just not experienced enough in coding to do it myself without breaking something (like I did, lol). Without official support for this, it seems like a lost cause. Thank you for the help, I think I learned enough to add basic support for other games, which is a good thing.
Gonna start manually pulling out mods from my Steam version and build a new modlist for the GoG version.

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