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Uninstalling Sim Settlement 2


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Constant issues with the mod. Conflicts with to many mods. Gath removed bug section so people have to sign in his website. Been there. The answer to every bug is it's Beth fault or the engine. Or bug is blamed on some other mod. Settlers never assign properly. I have mod that turns off attacks but SS2 forces them anyway. Things I build vanish. I could go on all day. I like the quests but not the settlement damage nonstop.

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Heyas Brett.

mkay, so. I'm kinda not sure what you're asking for, or if you're asking, at all.

I mean.... are you asking for help uninstalling it? Or just talking about Why you're uninstalling it?

(I AM asking, rather than just assuming that this is a rant)


It IS good to hear opinions about the mod tho. I know that I myself have considered using it a few times.

The quests seem really interesting. The characters added by the quests, and some of the add-ins for the mod, look really interesting.


But yeah. I don't add it to my LO because I have a finicky LO. And on the occassions that I do play the game, I just wanna go out "troubleshooting" and not have any commitments, or responsibilities. Settlements, and settlement attacks, fall into That category.


A "Lite" version of the mod would be something I'd be a lot more interested in, however!

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i really liked and enjoyed sim settlements until the number of instabilities were too much, maybe caused by this or another scripted mod or the combination. to find out the truth i started a new game just without this mod as an experiment. all the rest is history and all i can say is without this mod i have an almost ctd free fo4 experience and no frame drops or hick ups in cluttered and scripted settlements always changing and expanding somehow in the background. now for over 1 year i check and test all new mods since then and i'm cautious with heavily scripted mods, all sorts of scrap mods or mods clearing areas without delivering generated previs/precombines.

the automation of settlements is a great idea and nicely done but you have to pay a price - and this is stability, frequent ctd and unusable, broken saves - just my humble experience. it seems the game engine is too limited to handle such a busy mod with so many dependencies and expanding clutter all over the map on top of all the other mods even with a high end rig. as far as i know the mod author warns the mod user of the potential risks and limitations. so my conclusion is to avoid this mod or at least to turn down all settings to lowest limits if i prefer long term stability during gameplay. the best solution is to plan with a new game disabling just this mod. it worked at least for me.

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The mods were already installed from the Beth site. It's called an overwrite. As far as the dumbo above you I have no interest in your nonsense. Unless it's productive don't bother. I'll just block and ignore.

So, HeyYou. This is your area. When did Bethesda start doing whatever he says (or thinks he's saying) they did?


So you go from blaming modders, to blaming Bethesda, which is what your gripe about modders doing is about.


You blame modders for faults in mods that you can't get to work, when you post problems that other people know how to solve, and tell you how to solve it.

You talk crap to modders on their mod pages, and exhibit what is known on the site as "entitled behavior" against the modders.

You start a thread to complain about a mod and lay accusations at the author, which happens to be big no no, here on the Nexus.

You complain about modders releasing things that don't work. When your ONLY mod, is EXACTLY THAT. A mod that doesn't work. And then you play the "oh I don't know how to make it work" "I don't want to learn the CK" crybaby line.

Interesting there. There's no comments or posts about your mod. Did you delete all the negative posts?


Oh. And you can idealize yourself as whoever you want to. But expect people to call you out for it.

That Brett Keane fellow? He's a joke. Literally everything that I found on youtube about him, was about what an asshat he is. A big fat slob who does nothing but shoot his mouth off and throw fake stories to try to get people to feel sorry for him.

So you picked one heck of a winner to try to emulate. Big blue ribbon for you there.


Blocking me is fine. IDC. Other people here in the forums will happily quote me, just For You. :D

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