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why no just MALE mods


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Been playing this game for so long and CAN NOT find any ALL male mods,like nude or sexy anything like that,there are a crap load of women mods,nake,big boobs all that but no MALE kinds and no wanting that in a game is not GAY,omg someone please make MALE mods please

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There's enhanced vanilla bodies.


But the more elaborate stuff is kept at Lover's Lab.

There's also Super Hero Bodies.

There's also Same Sex Couples. (Not trying to assume, but your chosen username...)



This one tho. You have to be careful to be SURE of which character you are choosing WHEN you click DONE in the character creation. Like, if you pick a male protagonist, you have to be SURE that you are NOT in the "wife" character. Or if you are choosing a female protagonist, that you are NOT in what would be the "husband" character.

It will bug the heck out, if you make the mistake.

I do also believe that it's not compatible with fast start mods, or skip intro mods. Double check the description, and the comments section.

Other than that, it works quite well!


I will also say tho. That yeah. What Showler is saying about Lovers Lab is true. Largely due to fewer rules restrictions on what they can upload there.

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