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Damn... I love the new features in collection pages telling us whether someone successfully install the collection or not...


My question is.. why it haven't been add for mod too?


I seen enough mod that are no longer function properly, so why this ain't add into mod pages too?

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Because Collections are more vulnerable to bad mod interactions that the user can't control.


People who fail to install a well-rated single mod are usually doing something wrong themself.


It would have make sense if only 1 or 2 person fail to install a single mod for the last 30 days. But when too many fail to do so, it tells a lot that the single mod requires author immediate attention.


With 2023 upcoming update, I feel like this features would help a lot.

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Because Collections are more vulnerable to bad mod interactions that the user can't control.


People who fail to install a well-rated single mod are usually doing something wrong themself.


It would have make sense if only 1 or 2 person fail to install a single mod for the last 30 days. But when too many fail to do so, it tells a lot that the single mod requires author immediate attention.


With 2023 upcoming update, I feel like this features would help a lot.


I would point out, that there are over 20 MILLION members here...... So, a handful per day having any issue, really shouldn't come as a surprise. Also, there are WAY too many factors that can contribute to "You mod doesn't work for me." And yes, it is usually an incompatible mod combination, or an error on the part of the installer.

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To elaborate a bit:


"Collections" are designed, and intended, to be as simple an install as possible. You install the Collection, download the mods (only requires clicking the button for each mod if you aren't Premium), and everything is handled automatically. All the prerequisites, all the requirements, all the patches, all the asset conflict rules and mod load order rules, all of everything is supposed to be included by the Curator to provide as simple an install as possible.


When a Collection fails to work correctly it should, assuming your game install isn't borked to begin with, be a fault with the Collection itself. Emphasis on "should".


Individual mods are different. It's the user's responsibility to make sure all the prerequisites are met, the requirements downloaded and correctly installed, the patches located and installed, the asset conflicts dealt with, and the load order correct (though LOOT still handles that for most people). If the user fails to do any of those things correctly the mod may not work regardless of whether there is a fault with the mod or not.


So, with an individual mod, simply having someone report "it worked" or "it didn't work" is not really useful information. Given that the failure is almost always on the part of the user all it does is give a false negative reputation to a perfectly working mod.


It is, in short, basically the same reason why "upvotes" and "downvotes" for mods were tossed years ago and are never coming back. It's not a reliable indicator of quality and it's too easy for bad actors to exploit as "punishment" as well. And if you ever have doubts about the existence of bad actors, just look at the "Formal Warning and Bans" forum and how many posts it receives in an average week.

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So, with an individual mod, simply having someone report "it worked" or "it didn't work" is not really useful information. Given that the failure is almost always on the part of the user all it does is give a false negative reputation to a perfectly working mod.


It is, in short, basically the same reason why "upvotes" and "downvotes" for mods were tossed years ago and are never coming back. It's not a reliable indicator of quality and it's too easy for bad actors to exploit as "punishment" as well. And if you ever have doubts about the existence of bad actors, just look at the "Formal Warning and Bans" forum and how many posts it receives in an average week.

The part about it being a problem on the user's end.

While neither of us say this, with the intent to be crappy about the people who play using mods. Even from working as tech support, and an IT tech... I'll back this up. I don't have actual numbers, but I would say that at least 60% of the time, a problem is caused by user error. 25% of the time, incompatibility. The rest just goes into random wierdness.

But yeah. At least 80% of that 60% crowd, will automatically blame the product, software, or the system.


As for what Showler had said about an approval/disapproval system. And that Nexus will not ever implement one again.

It really does open the door for abuse. Against authors and/or against mods.

Let's take for example AWKCR (RC?). There are a lot of users that have feelings on both sides of the fence about that mod. (I'm not trying to bash that mod, it's just a very good example of what I'm talking about.) Essentially with the huge amount of people that are for it, and the amount of people that are against it... we'd literally have a "Rotten Tomatoes" style ratings war going on. The author(s) don't deserve that, and the mod itself, doesn't deserve that.


Quite a few years back (14, 15? Something like that?) We also had mod authors waging hate campaigns against each other, as well. It didn't stay on the mod pages either. It spilled out into the open forums. Even caused problems back behind the scenes with the staff, as to what actions needed to be taken against who.


So yeah. While the ideas for this come with the best of intentions, and I applaud people for that. The nexus has already gone thru the pains of the kind of abuse that kind of a system can bring to the modders, and to the community of the users, and the staff. So "Never coming back" is very appropriate in being stated.

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