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Do vanilla mini nukes chain react?


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I never really wondered about this, til just now. I was watching a tube video and the tuber is inside, doing the Fort Strong BoS quest of recovering all the mini nukes.

I wondered... what if one of those went off? Would they all? Like mines do?


Does anybody know? Tried it out?


I know that if you autofire them, at too fast a fire rate, they collide, and detonate. And detonate, and detonate. All the way right back to you if you are not careful!

But that's mods.


If you drop a bunch of them into a pile, can they even be destroyed?

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I never really wondered about this, til just now. I was watching a tube video and the tuber is inside, doing the Fort Strong BoS quest of recovering all the mini nukes.

I wondered... what if one of those went off? Would they all? Like mines do?


Does anybody know? Tried it out?


I know that if you autofire them, at too fast a fire rate, they collide, and detonate. And detonate, and detonate. All the way right back to you if you are not careful!

But that's mods.


If you drop a bunch of them into a pile, can they even be destroyed?

Well, if they are being carried by a supermutant suicider, they explode if you shoot them...... So, I would suspect that yes, if they are in close enough proximity, that setting off one, would set of the rest as well.


Hhhmmm.... Maybe I will experiment with that later today. :) I have a selection of mininukes..... maybe I'll find a convenient bridge somewhere, and see if I can daisy-chain them. :D

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They usually don't activate unless they are fired. The ones carried by the suiciders are notable for the fact that they are already glowing and beeping while being carried.


Ones that are just sitting around don't explode when shot or hit by a secondary explosion. I believe mines are the same, they don't chain react unless active.

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They usually don't activate unless they are fired. The ones carried by the suiciders are notable for the fact that they are already glowing and beeping while being carried.


Ones that are just sitting around don't explode when shot or hit by a secondary explosion. I believe mines are the same, they don't chain react unless active.

I have to back this one up. The items carried by suiciders, are not actually mini nukes.

Not per se. Not per the .esm file. It's a very special ammo type, carried only by the suiciders. It's even named after them. It simply uses the mini nuke graphic. Everything else is different.

Here's an interesting bit of trivia. If you attempt to replace the mesh used by their explosives, you get really odd results. There was a request to replace them with a watermelon.

I tried it. The melon was stuck to the mutant's foot. And wouldnt explode when shot. Or... wouldnt explode... period....

Just from changing the nif used.


I know there's been mods that make mini nuke looking mines. But yeah. My curiosity was there about the vanilla ones. I'd love to hear back on the results, HY. But I think LarannKiar is right, that they're just a graphic.

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