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New mod author comment moderation features and updated terms of servic


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I'm not a modder (unfortunately I'm not able to create a mod), but I've updated a lot of images in the image sharing Fallout Nexus. In three years of life on the Nexus, from time to time I receive comments very "little honorable" by people who considered fun to write stupid things and then disappear into thin air. I understood from their profiles that their presence on Nexus, it was only sporadic. The intervention of the staff for moderation erased those comments but left a bitter feeling inside of me.

I consider this latest update of the site, not as a "shield" to raise as a defense but a chance to make this site even better. My images are not comparable to the work of a modder.... what I make in an hour of work, modders spend days, months and read: ominous comments (the utime is these days on a mod for Fallout 3) I believe is degrading.

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For me, the most effective way to deal with unpleasant comments is to ignore them (also usually prevents any follow-up abuse).

When I say most effective, I consider: Time spent dealing with cleaning up comments, time spent writing pointless replies, number of times getting trolled, etc. These are all close or equal to zero, which is hard to beat.

That being said, I think giving modders the ability to delete comments or even ban users from their files is only fair. The "quality" of the moderation will be lower overall when compared to having a dedicated team of moderators that operate by a consistent set of rules, however, as Dark0ne said, the Nexus sites are ever growing and letting authors moderate their own files obviously scales much better. Also, I like having more freedom. More freedom to TORMENT THE USERS OF MY MODS.

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As a user, I think the file feature is a great idea. It's kind of like a kid bringing his toys to a playground and is nice enough to share, if the sharing kid has a problem with another kid for whatever reason, I would believe the sharing kid has every right to say that he is or not allowed to play with his toys.
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In response to post #10278861. #10278918, #10281171, #10284723 are all replies on the same post.

Kudos. This pretty much sums up why the modders are getting more controls. Some people just exist to be asshats. I have no idea why. If you aren't the troll, there is nothing to fear.

For all I know, the admins on Nexus are reasonable and they keep track of what has been changed including comment threads and page descriptions. Edited by dree74
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