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New mod author comment moderation features and updated terms of servic


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In response to post #10330114.

It just seems unnecessary. I mean, as a user, it already seems like mod authors wield a great deal of power--after all, they have their own hidden forum where they can speak directly with staff and influence site policy, as this latest decision clearly demonstrates--and yet, for some reason, they need more. Why?


Mainly because this site is HUGE. And growing. This is really a minor change, giving modders a bit more authority over their files/comment threads. Everyone here seems to be accusing the mods being some power-mad group that is just waiting for the opportunity exercise said power over the 'little people' that download their mods..... That just ain't the case. I think the primary purpose here is to REDUCE the workload for the mods, so they don't have to chase 10,000 reports daily on the folks that are somewhat less than gracious in their posting. :)

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In response to post #10330114. #10330682, #10331242 are all replies on the same post.

@QuantaStarfire Because the level of abuse has gone up and many authors are fed up with it. This isn't something that's come out of the blue, authors have been asking for this for quite a while. As it was authors had two options, put up with all the nonsense or pull their work completely, this gives a much better third option. If this stops modders from pulling their work and sharing privately then it should be welcomed.

If someone can't express themselves without being rude or obnoxious then they should refrain from posting until they've learned some manners, these people offer nothing to the community and the place would be a lot better without them.
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In response to post #10330114. #10330682, #10331242, #10337418 are all replies on the same post.

I think another problem to add to this is that if the Mod author and user (or vice-versa) have a different first language there can be misunderstandings as well. Sometimes a person can come across as rude because they are struggling with a limited knowledge of English eg. Patience and commonsense eh? :)
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In response to post #10330114. #10330682, #10331242, #10337418, #10337785 are all replies on the same post.


I got to say something...Mod Authors do not influence policy as you think they do. And when they do, it takes a long time, if what Dark0ne says is true. Besides, this cuts some slack to moderators, so it's not really that they are strong-arming him or he is simply giving in to them. Edited by Rethrain
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In response to post #10330114. #10330682, #10331242, #10337418, #10337785, #10338207 are all replies on the same post.

Don't get me wrong folks: I'm all for mod authors being able to moderate their own comments sections. But if an author is so riled up over someone's comments that they want to ban a user from even downloading their mods, maybe that author needs a site vacation.
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In response to post #10330114. #10330682, #10331242, #10337418, #10337785, #10338207, #10340385 are all replies on the same post.

@QuantaStarfire Why should the author have to leave for a while? surely the one who should be gone from that file is the one causing the problem? This has come about because there are a number of users who think it's fine to abuse, insult and make demands of people, well it's not and the sooner the minority of idiots realise it the better.
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I feel that I need to put this here:


I will not be using this feature for the foreseeable future; I firmly believe in well mannered reception of critique, and a stony attitude towards cynics.


While I agree, this feature has been a long time coming, I do worry about the abuse of it. I can welcome the addition due to my personal guidelines on reporting comments on my files (aka, not happening unless they are slanderous or libelous in nature), as comments that infringe on that not only put my big ol ego on the line, but also my reputation, and therefore my livelihood. So I welcome the feature, but hesitantly. I know we have many members here who have not yet reached an age where they really begin to discern between cause and effect and that may potentially jeopardize there relationship with the site. I know the idea of making a "dumb joke" in my own eyes and offending an author to the point of being perma blocked from all of there files is quite daunting, especially when the joker may be under the age of thirteen. Some authors may hold grudges and reject that users download privileges indefinitely, even if the user has become closer to twenty and is (hopefully) quite a bit more tactful.


I'll cease my ranting now, I'm tired and now unsure of what I've said so take it with a grain of salt.


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I'll never agree nor understand why giving modders the ability to block users from downloading their mods. Are they trying to create a grudge fest? I can just imagine how this is going to be abused. And if majority of the modders feel like this is not necessary, why apply it? Where's the poll?


"Thought the mod authors certainly won't report as many...there will still be things reported as most of the reports we get are not from mod authors but the users."


If that's the case, why don't you start publicly posting who reported it on who and when it was reported on the Nexus Forums. I mean since you guys seem to have no problem banning users and overwhelmingly expressing your power on the Nexus forums. You realize that most of us don't give a s#*!? And the rest that do feel intimidated. To the point that they just rather keep comments to themselves.


And second.


I don't and will never understand your nude policy. You enforce that nudity is forbidden on the public image share, but it's really funny if I go back in 2009 and 2010 I can clearly see nude images and even sex practicing images. If it's so damn offensive to adult users, why haven't you cleaned it up? Lazy? That's the only thing that I can think of.


Yeah, I'm bashing because it's so easy to just ban someone for uploading this kind of content, but it's really hard for you to erase the past and forget it's there. Oh, but moderators are just far too busy to handle it just like they are too busy to clean up the mess, so they expect us to report it to them instead. If people started to post normal images and fill the description part with nudity without moderators taking a glance ever, and these images never being reported we'd have ourselves a fancy time. Problem is, you have underage tagging their profiles as adults to view this type of content. And in the end, exposed mods are the only thing keeping Nexus alive. I admit that when I joined this site back in 2010 it was due to a nude body mod and eye candy female armor. 99% of the images on Fallout New Vegas are nothing but female characters. Same goes for Oblivion and Skyrim Nexus. Take it away and you can kiss this site goodbye. ;)



You know what the problem with Nexus is? You run a porn site, but sugar coat it from the children registered to the site.


You are all against piracy and all this stuff, but you promote Mature games and let underage kids register to the site. Love it. Just love it.

Edited by smellytoes
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In response to post #10345768.

For all your lack of understanding there's only one thing I don't understand about you: If you hate it here so much, why are you still here at all? Your post seems like a regurgitation of the amusing LL links people keep trying to send me, so maybe you should stay there?

Where's the poll?

In the mod author's forum, where the current poll results show as 74% in favour of all these changes, 23% not in favour of the user blocking but in favour of comment deletion, and 3% not in favour of any of the changes.

I don't and will never understand your nude policy. You enforce that nudity is forbidden on the public image share, but it's really funny if I go back in 2009 and 2010 I can clearly see nude images and even sex practicing images. If it's so damn offensive to adult users, why haven't you cleaned it up? Lazy? That's the only thing that I can think of.

Not that this has ANYTHING to do with this news post or these changes, but maybe you should go back and read the news posts about this issue when it was first announced where I explain my reasoning on the topic and explain we won't be going back and cleaning up the 25,000+ odd images that would have broken the rule after-the-fact. It was quite easy to understand so I assume you're just trying to be difficult for the sake of it: the Image Share had become something I wasn't comfortable in hosting any more so I changed the rules. It's not really hard to understand.

When the rules changed to no nudity in the Image Share the same tired, dull people predicted the same old tired responses about it being the death of the Image Share/site/internet. It didn't happen. So take your armchair forecasts elsewhere. They're dull.

You are all against piracy and all this stuff, but you promote Mature games by letting underage kids register to the site. Love it. Just love it.

I liked this one. You're against piracy but you promote mature games...because the two are totally linked. And there-in lies the problem of your entire message. It's really, really dumb. Honestly, stick with LL. Edited by Dark0ne
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The best way to avoid getting banned from a file page is to not participate in any discussion at all with anyone. Just don't talk to people. Anyone.


Its actually the best way to avoid getting banned at all, is to not participate in the community aspect at all. Takes the banning risk to absolute zero percent.


I know a lot of mod authors say they like constructive criticism, but its going to get you banned. Just get your files, and keep it to yourself. Unless you like the mod, unless you can't find a single flaw, keep it to yourself. Its a risk you cannot take if you want to enjoy the service the nexus provides.

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