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New mod author comment moderation features and updated terms of servic


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I do not mind these changes, but would it be possible for there to be a separate forum tab on each released mod to see exactly which posts Mod Authors are deleting from their comments section?



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I do not mind these changes, but would it be possible for there to be a separate forum tab on each released mod to see exactly which posts Mod Authors are deleting from their comments section?



Then they wouldn't be deleting them, they'd just be moving them.

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In response to post #10453782.

The moderators already said they weren't removing them, they are only hiding them from plain view.

"What actually happens is the post becomes hidden to everyone except the staff. We’ll retain a copy of all posts deleted by mod authors to ensure that the feature isn’t being used for nefarious means."

It says it right up there. Edited by Pixeldust
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In response to post #10453782.

The moderators already said they weren't removing them, they are only hiding them from plain view.


"What actually happens is the post becomes hidden to everyone except the staff. We’ll retain a copy of all posts deleted by mod authors to ensure that the feature isn’t being used for nefarious means."


It says it right up there.



They're hidden from everyone but the staff, just moving them would keep them visible to everyone.

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In response to post #10439537. #10444500, #10445781 are all replies on the same post.

If there is reason for a ban, like discriminating a user because of his / her sexual orientation (example of the post I replied to), the user must have placed a comment on some mod page of the author to be a target of the moderation tool. In this case the moderators can search & find the deleted comment and use it as evidence to ban the author.

Banning a user for no or other personal reasons that aren't against the site terms is a totally different pair of shoes. I can totally understand why Dark0ne or the staff member don't want to get involved in this. The system was implemented to result in less work for them and not more. If the news post would contain a free ticket for every user who got punished by an author, they would make excessive use of it.
Will some contact them anyway? Yes. Will they be ignored by the moderators? Judging by my personal experience, I would say no.

But what all of the naysayer in this thread forget is the fact that nobody has the right to use a mod. It's a free gift given by someone who spent a lot of time in creating the mod. But the attitude to be grateful for a mod washed out since the release of Skyrim. The game pulled a lot of users into modding / mod using and it sadly attracted a lot of internet morons with it. The same not needed kind of people who clutter for example YouTube videos with their brain farts.

The mod author makes the rules for his mod. He doesn't take requests? Accept it. He doesn't tolerate comments asking questions already answered several times and deletes the comment? Accept it. He offers even a ban for asking such questions? Deal with it.

If an author put up this kind of "rules" for commenting his / her mods, what's so difficult about to accept this? It's the same with not commenting on manga mods if you dislike them. In fact you even get banned for doing so.

Giving support for a file isn't something everyone is willing to do. You should understand that, as you are a person that doesn't want to spent time to repack a mod to get it working with NMM.
Really funny if I think about the time you spent in the mod thread and here in this thread posting your comments. That's really efficient game playing.

Your main concern of mod authors who evolutionate into ban junkies will be sorted out by itself. Every community is very fast in distributing information. This kind of (not needed as well) authors will get a well earned reputation and the people will stop using their mods. That's why a three months trial was implemented. Such a system works on other sites and will work here as well.

Compare it to the free upload here. Every now and then shows someone up who uploads malware in form of fake mods to the site. It's a similar hole as the one you mentioned all the time. But the system with users detecting the false mods fast works and I don't see a new "Malware on the Nexus" thread every day.

You simply put the matter out of proportion.

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In response to post #10455290.

Which is exactly what I'm asking for them to be, visible to everyone but on a separate forum thread. What the mod author deletes in terms of posts, I still want to be able to read what they deleted. Edited by Pixeldust
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In response to post #10455290.

Which is exactly what I'm asking for them to be, visible to everyone but on a separate forum thread. What the mod author deletes in terms of posts, I still want to be able to read what they deleted.



That defeats the whole point of it, authors want to be able to delete stuff, not move it.

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. I can't see this ever happening to me, but it makes me wonder what if someone abuses the feature to keep someone from using their mod because they made some valid comments on thet mod in a polite and respectful way?



hey what a coincidence. i'm, having that exact same issue right now. guess who's been telling me that "that's that." when asking for a solution?

Edited by CapNKirkland
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