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New mod author comment moderation features and updated terms of servic


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In response to post #10252415. #10252846, #10253003, #10253436, #10253494, #10253733, #10254612, #10254935, #10255184, #10255502, #10255579, #10255972 are all replies on the same post.

Then don't use the feature, problem solved. Oh and the "Blocking user from mod page" already existed, its called "Hidden File" or "Deleted File" this is just a nicer way as the REST of the community doesn't have to deal with popular files no longer being available. The way I see it, you have nothing to fear if you don't annoy people. Just be nice and you will get treated in kind.
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In response to post #10257006.

I would argue that it's not silly for people to be displeased by the change same as its not immature for people to be pleased by this and voice their praise. its the point of the comment section. You comment here saying your willing to reevaluate in awhile will definitely put some people at ease.
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In response to post #10255885. #10255945, #10256555, #10256846, #10256962 are all replies on the same post.

If an author doesn't want someone using his/her stuff then so be it, it's their stuff at the end of the day. This is preferable to authors getting fed up with all the nonsense and pulling their work completely and only sharing privately. There are authors out there who do only share privately, they do that because they don't want to have to deal with the crap that gets thrown at them. There's a huge thread on the modders board full of the unpleasantness and stupidity people have to put up with, I've heard on more than one occasion authors saying they dread seeing the new comment notification, that can't be right. There would be no need for this if people could keep criticism constructive but many can't.

This system works on Steam Workshop and elsewhere, there's no reason why it can't work here.
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Thank you for finally doing this. Not that I run into user's that give me trouble much, but if I ever did run into one (or many), I will most likely put this new system to good use (and the report button if need be). I like to think that everyone has a privilege to use other people's mods, and if they've done something like harass, or something else negative to the mod author then the mod author should have every right to remove said user's privilege (access) to the mod in question.
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In response to post #10255885. #10255945, #10256555, #10256846, #10256962, #10257275 are all replies on the same post.

I agree that its not beneficial for anyone if a author pulls their work, and I do feel for anyone that has been abused over the nexus. But the one thing in my mind that sets to nexus apart from other sites is that its got a more community feel to it. The comments and the set up encourages authors and down loaders to talk and work together, unfortunately people screw this up. I am just voicing my opinion and my criticism of the new system that I fear that things will move more into the realm of media fire, no cooperation. If a author experiences abuse, its never happened to me nor anyone I know, can't they report the person?
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Honestly this is a good thing I don't understand why people don't want to give mod authors more control over THEIR mods, if they want to block certain individuals(assholes) from their content so be it! I highly doubt it will be abused as people are implying. Edited by aareyn
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In response to post #10252415. #10252846, #10253003, #10253436, #10253494, #10253733, #10254612, #10254935, #10255184, #10255502, #10255579, #10255972, #10257158 are all replies on the same post.

There is nothing nice about blocking mod access. Hiding posts and blocking the ability to continue posting should resolve any uploaders issues. If a user deserves more than that they should have already been banned from the community. Blocking access to a mod on a whim with no recourse is nothing more than retribution.
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