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Which faction do you dislike the "most"?


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The different factions were all set up to present themselves towards different play styles, play throughs, player differences, etc etc.

So which one of them appeals to you, the least? Or ones that you just outright hate?


It's kind of a toss up for me personally.

The Railroad, I like Deacon as a follower. I like Glory, as a NPC. I'd like Desdemona if she wasn't such a demanding she-dog. And didn't have such a single minded, delusional outlook on the wasteland.

Tinker Tom... well... ummmm... he can please stay back there in his little corner. P.A.M. hrm. Ummm.... one word. Wierdo!

And they have no goal. Only a mission. And it's really not well thought out.

I get it. Boston. The railroad. Tie in to mentions in the other games.

Execution... big fail, IMO.


The institute. Pretty much none of them.

And Shaun? If hindsight is 20/20 Nora would have taken a trip to a clinic when that test came back positive.


The BoS? There's some chars that I don't like. But then... military regimen isn't exactly my thing. And I really can only play that questline only so far, unless I have the mods that allow you to save Danse, and allow you to usurp that dark side of the crack Maxson. Danse... I like and dislike.

I canNOT play the game with him wearing that ridiculous looking headwear. And I don't like him, before you actually agree to join the BoS. I think it's ack-bassword that he is supposed to be your mentor and tutor, but you order him around.

I also really wish that in a male playthrough, you could tell him to stop calling you civilian!

I get his thing about super-mutants. It's a bit blind, but I get it.

Ghouls? Meh. No attachment to them, personally. So it doesn't bother me much.

But yeah. Maxson took the BoS into a dark place. Don't like him at all.


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I would have to go for 'the institute' as they are set on replacing humanity, which I happen to be part off.


Then again, there's something to dislike for all of them.


I do have sympathy towards the basic ideas behind some, like the railroad, BoS & Minuteman, but they come with a lot of flaws.


The BoS is dangerously close to becoming exactly what they set out to prevent. (As the real problem is not technology, but people who think they know best for everybody else, and those who disagree need to be "taken care of" by any means, including war.)


The railroad has radicalized way beyond clear thinking


The minuteman where to weak and corrupt to do anything about it, and now its just you, if you choose to.


When it comes to the characters & companions ... well ... I do like to keep Dogmeat around :tongue:

At least she doesn't have any annoying lines she keeps repeating over and over.


I feel the same about Danse. What makes the whole situation with Danse & the BoS even worse, imho. You are supposed to be a war veteran, who actually served in the army of old.

YOU are the real soldier here with knowledge and experience of full scale war the BoS can only dream off.

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Indeed! Its like... Dude, I served in the same army as your founder did! I fought at Anchorage! (I think the male was at the battle of Anchorage?) STOP calling me "Civilian" !

And that first introduction. The dialog options are CRAP. "I intercepted your distress beacon." or "I heard your call for help." or "I heard heavy combat and came to investigate." Extended Dialog has been a thing for quite a while.


I haven't played any of the previous games (yet). So while I don't really know a whole lot about the evolution of the BoS, other than their origins... I blame Li'l Artie (Elder Maxson) for the current state of the BoS. At least, the ones under his command. Excluding the other faction(s), I mean.

He's just the tail end of a mule, to try to stay within the anti-swearing rules. Hence why I really enjoy the mods that allow us to take him down. But in my mind, he's a lot of the reason for the rampant human superiority complex in his faction.

And yes, there IS the argument of deliberately recruiting those who share a mentality that it the most workable towards your goal.

I also don't like those sidequests of subjugating the settlements.


As for you being a part of humanity... that's debatable.

The player character I mean! :thumbsup: (Just throwing a joke in there!)

I mean, I don't wanna start up the whole debate as to whether the PC is a human, or a synth. But, just for myself, I kinda enjoy doing a "rogue synth courser" type playthrough.

But yeah. I destroy the institute, pretty much every time that I play through til towards the end. And I've outright committed homicide on Shaun many, many, mannnnnnny times. Preferably with melee. (Damn I need that mod that allows us to manually kick in the melee special kill attacks!)

HEH. It's too bad we can't port over some of the Doom special kills. Some of those are absolutely BRUTAL.


The Minutemen... Ok. I get it. It's historical Boston. They were part of the legend and lore and history of the place. But the outfit is just TACKY. Their ideals and goals are good. But yeah. They got too much internal politics, didn't put a damper on it, and they wiped themselves out. I DO kinda like the thought that you are building up an army, towards taking on the BoS or taking on the Institute. It's OMG... I'ma actually say it... it's a more immersive way of thinking about it. If the RR had similar, I think it would definitely help out with them as a faction.

Tho, TBH, when the PC joins them, they're BOTH dying breeds. The MM are just a few steps closer to extinction.


Another thing that I don't like about Des. She mourns the loss of her fellow activists. But will throw every single one of them away, towards the end result. She's really Not a competent leader.

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The railroad are delusional. They seem to think they are 'saving' the synths, but, what is the first thing they do to them? Mind Wipe..... which essentially kills the synth they saved. What is the point of that? I would also suggest, that a "real" human, can't be reprogrammed quite so easily.... so, are they 'alive'? Or is it just really clever programming? I don't care about synths one way or the other, but, I run missions for them anyway.


BoS? That whole 'if you ain't brotherhood, you ain't nothin'' thing really turns me off, and tends to prompt me to kill them as soon as I see them. I run the mission with Danse, but, that's the end of it. I have no interest in helping them in the commonwealth. I see them as just another group trying to impose THEIR idea of 'society' on the world. Nope. Not happenin'.


Institute? Well, they DO have some really cool tech... not sure they are trying to replace humanity though, as that would include them, and, their 'replacements' are viewed as essentially a bit more than a toaster, and are treated as such..... If the game allowed the player to take over, and then actually start HELPING the commonwealth..... instead of just subjugating it, that would be kinda cool....


Which leaves.... The Minutemen. I view them as the lesser of the evils. Considering YOU are (nominally) in charge, you can point them in the direction you want to go.. For the most part. I see them as the best bet for an at least semi-functional society.

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HY - Your ending comment about the MM. I was thinking about that. And I was thinking "Yeah, the only manpower they really have, is the player. And what comes out of the settlements.

Then I was thinking. Hmmmm. Mod idea. Minutemen come to assist MM settlements when they come under attack. Cool!

Yeah... way above my ability! :laugh:


RR Tech.

The Railway Rifle. (I can't say that once fast, much less 3 times fast!) Extremely cool weapon. Particularly when the spike takes a body part with it. AND you can sometimes get some of your ammo back.

Butt-ugly design. Noisy for a stealth group. No silencer option. Big and heavy. And slower than the mailman on a sunday.

Love that gun. But yeah... it's as flawed as the group that makes it.


I'm a lot the same way in a lot of my plays. I take the intro quest, and the quest to Arkjet, and then don't do anything else with them. Ryse/Rice/Reese/ wtf ever his name is, I can't stand him. I never take any of his radiant quests, and spend more ammo than I should, putting his essential butt on the floor.

The Arkjet mission is REALLY good for XP, and for ammo for energy weapons (tho I prefer ballistic or melee) or for scrap or sale.

Plus, you can cook up some Danse Flambe, if you choose to :D

" I don't want to be hit by any stray bullets."

Oh. Really? Heh, ok. No bullets. *Evil grin*


Heh. Loooove shooting me some verti birds. MMMM hmmmm!

:laugh: The first time I went to investigate the airport, after they'd arrived. Ohhhhhhhhh Boy did my rump get lit up! At least 4 armored knights with laser gattling guns! ALL I could see, was red beams. That's it. Nothing else. Just red beams.

Yes indeed. I like hunting BoS. They give me a lot of goodies to sell to the traders :D


TBH, IMO... NGL... (what others can I think of?) The biggest fail about the MM are

Guess it...

wait for it.....

here it comes....

Preston Garvey.

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I usually play through with the MinuteMaid Men and the Botherhood but I've only had two characters complete the game with them because Fallout 4 is honestly a joke to play serious.

From my perspective, the Botherhood in Boston is no different from the Brotherhood in the Mojave. A self-centered, self-absorbed, incohesive, incoherent, indecisive, and heavily armed society who's leaders have emotional complexity. The BoS and the NCR are the two most capable factions to rebuild the United States and defend her because of their regulated armies, the ability to supply them and their civilians, their superior air support, and a giant robot that tosses around a nuclear arsenal. But compared to the real Brotherhood in Fallout 3 no BoS faction after 2277 has ever fought the good fight, for the people, of the people.

The only Institute character I had was one of my Botherhood plays so I could experience the story behind the Institute but I went back to a previous save after completing a CIT game.

In a way the Institute is similar to the Botherhood because their view on helping the wasteland is utopian, much like Maxson's. They have the ability to nurse the wastes back to health but make little effort to do so, instead waiting until the time is right. I dislike this faction the most because I find the story convoluted, you make it your ultimate goal to help people but you've done almost nothing for them in the past 210 years and tried playing god to pass the time. The only good about them is Doctor Madison Li and Virgil.

I never did complete a Wailroad story but I did start one on console.

The Wailroad has good intentions with bad execution, they don't help the wasteland but they rage against the machine. I agree that having a delusional and single-minded mission that isn't well thought out is the best way to describe them.

So, normally I just run with the MinuteMaid Men because I can build complicated settlements and crash my game all the time. True that they are a defeated faction and the character raises them back from the dead, but at least they are the only faction that still fights the good fight around the Commonwealth. With the player's direction there is no more conflict, no ghoul shaming, and I help the wasteland with day to day survival by building fortified settlements equipped with food, shelter, water, love, some power, and few hundred missile turrets.

Lastly, I think the most successful faction in Fallout 4 is Vault 81. They've fallen on hard times of course but what community doesn't? They survived the Great War for over 200 years, they've had leadership to guide their citizens, a fortified shelter, clean water and food, and open trading routes despite danger of unsavory types. Although their vault program was essentially to become unsuspecting lab rats to volatile experiments, they didn't simply survive in the vault but rather prospered just enough to make a difference in their community.

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HY - Your ending comment about the MM. I was thinking about that. And I was thinking "Yeah, the only manpower they really have, is the player. And what comes out of the settlements.

Then I was thinking. Hmmmm. Mod idea. Minutemen come to assist MM settlements when they come under attack. Cool!

Yeah... way above my ability! :laugh:


RR Tech.

The Railway Rifle. (I can't say that once fast, much less 3 times fast!) Extremely cool weapon. Particularly when the spike takes a body part with it. AND you can sometimes get some of your ammo back.

Butt-ugly design. Noisy for a stealth group. No silencer option. Big and heavy. And slower than the mailman on a sunday.

Love that gun. But yeah... it's as flawed as the group that makes it.


I'm a lot the same way in a lot of my plays. I take the intro quest, and the quest to Arkjet, and then don't do anything else with them. Ryse/Rice/Reese/ wtf ever his name is, I can't stand him. I never take any of his radiant quests, and spend more ammo than I should, putting his essential butt on the floor.

The Arkjet mission is REALLY good for XP, and for ammo for energy weapons (tho I prefer ballistic or melee) or for scrap or sale.

Plus, you can cook up some Danse Flambe, if you choose to :D

" I don't want to be hit by any stray bullets."

Oh. Really? Heh, ok. No bullets. *Evil grin*


Heh. Loooove shooting me some verti birds. MMMM hmmmm!

:laugh: The first time I went to investigate the airport, after they'd arrived. Ohhhhhhhhh Boy did my rump get lit up! At least 4 armored knights with laser gattling guns! ALL I could see, was red beams. That's it. Nothing else. Just red beams.

Yes indeed. I like hunting BoS. They give me a lot of goodies to sell to the traders :D


TBH, IMO... NGL... (what others can I think of?) The biggest fail about the MM are

Guess it...

wait for it.....

here it comes....

Preston Garvey.

One of the things I like to do, is build me a 'fire and forget' missile launcher. They are farking AWESOME against vertibirds. Need better range for lock-on though. :D Put a "never ending" legendary on it, and vertibirds don't stand a chance. :D

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Yes, yes, Yes! Let's go anti-aircraft with the missile launcher!

HAH! Never ending! THAT would be so much tons of fun! I'm surprised I've never thought of it! :D :laugh:


Hm. Target locking. Hm.

I wonder... how hard would that be to make for other weapons? Hm.

Target locking on a laser gattling, with a barrel system that would narrow their cone of fire down significantly, and lock on to a vertibird..... HMMMM....

And they say that lasers can't curve... PSH! :laugh:


OBTW missles out of a minigun don't work well. :pinch: They collide mid-air and chain react. No bueno! :wallbash:


I used to have a mod that let you make MIRV missiles. THAT was tons of fun, especially clearing out those super mutants outside the water plant, if you can sneak up on them without going into caution :D :D

Pop all 4 barrels and just watch the firestorm :D


Oh lord! I just thought about looking up the Pick Pocket skill and super extending the range on it, so that you could drop a grenade in the gunner's pocket from range. That would be funny as hell to see.

But gah!

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