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Column Suggestion for Vortex - Per Game on/off, not Global


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Make the Columns display on a per game basis rather than globally.

For instance, For Skyrim I would want/need the Dependencies Column turned ON, But that column is unnecessary for The Witcher 3 and Subnautica
So when I switch from Skyrim with the "Dependencies" column turned ON, when I switch to TW3 or Subnautica, that column should turn OFF, because I unchecked it in the Gear Menu, and the Dependencies Column should display again when I switch back to Skyrim etc
Column settings per game

Just a QoL feature

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Discuss Vortex and give us your feedback. Let us know what you think of Vortex here, what you like, don't like, and what you'd like to see improved.

seems like a good place to put stuff like this, discuss it, smooth out wrinkles and such.

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