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My companions attack me


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Ok, so this is getting annoying. When I am in battle and I go to reload my weapon, either Dogmeat or Codsworth cross my path resulting in a message to send the companion back to one of my settlements, I do not select any settlement, I just hit the cancel button, but this in turn makes my companion aggressive and they attack me till either I die or I incapacitate them. If it's Dogmeat, then I have to use a stimpak, or Codsworth I have to use a robot repair module, once revived from the fallen state they are fine with me. What causes this and is there any mod or fix for this.

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The first question is what mods are you using that cause this?

Please don't tell me you have a 500 mod+ load out.....

That's my issue, I don't know what mod is causing the problem, I Have 210 mods loaded in and without painstakingly going through all my mods again, I am just having to deal with it. I save before I go into battle on the assumption my companions attack me, and if so, I quit and restart trying to make sure that none of the companions crosses my path as I reload.

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My simple solution is I don't use - or depend on companions.

I only tolerate them when required - they they be gone.

Sorry eyes Dogmeat? Go back to whence you came - you are more trouble than you are worth..... :D

Ex. Deacon is supposed to be the King of Stealth - but you'd never know it by taking a stroll through The Switchboard.

He's worse than Dogmeat.... I just call him Synth Magnet.....

Edited by fraquar
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