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what kind of government is better?


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I think the best government is one that keeps control of the basic necessities like military, infrastructure and enforcing laws etc but stays our of the societal / cultural issues.


Libertarian Meritocracy

In other words the government that only keeps what it needs to make a coup d'état or a purge.


Anti-Karenism would be a better description.


But that's discriminatory against Karens........


F them

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my shortest answer: the one which is a result of a documented true and free election!


but i like this statement very much:


"democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the others that have been tried.” Winston Churchill cynicism was perhaps justified after the British people voted him out from his position as Prime Minister within months of winning the Second World War.


a short answer that convinces me including the right portion of cynicism.


so the "worst" is the best because all other known kind of government failed to work without major issues taking the known consequences into account.


studying and comparing democracy with governments truly and obviously suppressing free elections and not allowing diversity and free speech at all, it makes it easy for me to identify imho failing or already failed governments. sadly this does not mean that anyone can stop the leading political management from acting to save their power and to force and celebrate globally misleading egoistic interests and corruption. it is easy to find examples for that and the deadly consequences for so many suffering innocent individuals. as long as no worldwide - maybe UN guided? - accepted court exists and most prominently some well known autocracies permanently undermine any effort to establish such an institution for known reasons, we will see no change. and not to forget even democracies suffer sometimes from a lack of appropriate leadership even after free elections.


lets not forget the freedom to post in a debate like this one without the fear of punishment or harsh censoring is a privilege and cannot be taken for granted for so many!

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I have some problems which governs my life. Some people call what I am referring to an addiction. Only thing is there is no claim that it is an addiction. I can go thirty days without some of what governs me, the other, is just one item, that does. I can only go for about seven days with the one and on the eighth day I need to get some of that governing item.


Funny how I must have the variety of some and absolutely have the other all the time. I have never thought it was. I can understand now, that the variety of many types and the one are governing me. The items I am talking about come in many varieties and yes they all govern us where ever we go. The most one that has an eight day requirement isn't so forgiving if we stop letting it govern our lives.


In fact: The variety governs all people all the time. And the one item does as well, and it is put in almost everything we are governed by, in the variety items that we use daily, to make the variety of items seem more palatable.


I never thought about how real those sorts of items we take for granted are like a controlling government.


I will never look at breakfast or water the same way, now that I realize how they govern me. I can't live very long without them.


While our government's change laws and forms new unions from one country, one state/providence, one county to the next; our variety for our diet may change, and yet, water rules us all.

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  • 3 months later...

Last debate was interesting soo this time im going for this topic.


The topic in few words is what type of goverment you think is better (technocracy,democracy,comunism,capitalims....)




Little late to the party but I would go with a Parliamentary Monarchy myself An elected council that you can only serve two terms on and handle domestic and keep the Monarchy while the monarch is responsible for foreign affairs. There are of course HUGE issues with the style of government by no style is perfect I just happen think this on lends its self to less corruption as long as their are term limits for the council.



Which is where 90% of elected governments fall off the cliff they forget to include term limits in their government defining document, and next thing you know you have a Senator who has been elected to his seat since 1940.



Also key point Communisms and Capitalism are not in fact forms of government. They are forms of Economy, if one looks at their true original meanings.

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  • 5 weeks later...

None of the above are best. Implement some sort of meritocracy where officials must be federally tested and thus proven suitable for candidacy would be a start in the right direction.

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I would say the 'I am legend' government where there's just myself as this species continuously displays that collectively we seem to be incapable of even organising a hump in a brothel. Even the I am legend zombies are far more bearable, they only appear at night and only want your flesh. The current ones want your flesh. blood, soul, energy, money, compliance, are present day and night and thrice as stupid.

Edited by Dashyburn
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  • 3 weeks later...

None of the above are best. Implement some sort of meritocracy where officials must be federally tested and thus proven suitable for candidacy would be a start in the right direction.

Good idea, for this people notably need to learn critical mindness and independent medias.

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Meritocracy? Like the meritocracy involved in military and other fedgov equipment design and procurement? The sort of 'critical mindedness' that both decries climate change skeptics while stating that storms, floods, heat waves, sea level rise, etc. are increasing to the point of disaster, while both NOAA and the IPCCC both have statements out saying there is no evidence of a connection? The fact that one of the major drivers of Covid vaccine 'misinformation' was the inability/unwillingness of the gov. and vax manufacturers to publicly post ALL information in a near real-time mode, b/c some of the information might be unfavorable?


Nope, no one can define 'merit' in a political sense, any more than any government can define 'misinformation' or conduct a complete cost/benefit analysis.

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Meritocracy? Like the meritocracy involved in military and other fedgov equipment design and procurement? The sort of 'critical mindedness' that both decries climate change skeptics while stating that storms, floods, heat waves, sea level rise, etc. are increasing to the point of disaster, while both NOAA and the IPCCC both have statements out saying there is no evidence of a connection? The fact that one of the major drivers of Covid vaccine 'misinformation' was the inability/unwillingness of the gov. and vax manufacturers to publicly post ALL information in a near real-time mode, b/c some of the information might be unfavorable?


Nope, no one can define 'merit' in a political sense, any more than any government can define 'misinformation' or conduct a complete cost/benefit analysis.


You can't have a genuine meritocracy without equality of opportunity, a child from a stable wealthy family who attends a good school should do well, now take that same child and place him in a impoverished broken home and a bad school, it's very unlikely he'll do as well no matter how hard he tries.

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Well, in my experience, the family mores and expectations have an almost equal effect on the educational outcomes, at least. I had students who could not, for the life of them, work through a problem or situation that required analysis and a series of evaluative steps. I had students assigned to algebra and chemistry classes who did not have basic math skills, such as knowing their times tables, the first few squares and cubes, or an ability to manipulate fractions. That will destroy any real advance in STEM (Science, Technical, Engineering, and *MATH*) fields. This by the way, also destroyed any chance to train said students in the pattern recognition portion of these studies.


One of the things that wealth brings is the opportunity for the family to pressure the educational system to 'award' their offspring the grades, degrees, job positions, etc., without really having achieved them (IMO, very evident in the very public case of the current US president's surviving son). Such advantages of wealth will NEVER go away. I think that this and the current sociological trends of extreme tribalism is very much amplified by (anti-)social media.


Unfortunately, the only way I see to begin dealing with such issues is more of an application of the boarding-school concept, where the students are forced to work with and rely on each other, BUT with many checks and balances on the conduct of classes and curriculum, and completely open and transparent systems for said curricula and student management. No keeping things 'secret' from the parents, unless there is some proof of abuse. This, of course, would open things up to rampant abuses, as in the (not very distant) past, and would take constant vigilance and supervision from the public.


You cannot have a 'genuine' meritocracy when so many things are concealed in the process and culture, and only a certain subset of the populace are setting the expectations and qualifications of merit. People are involved, and they will move to protect/enrich themselves and their own.

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