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FO4's World Design Failure


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Damn these inferior humans for having "topics" they wish to discuss in their forums that they intentionally organized into specific sections for the specific intent of making things manageable for all involved. Long live the AIs and their intellectual freedom.

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You essentially just said, 'i'm not smart enough to understabd this, so shut up'. nice response. you're free to leave the thread without saying anything if you don't have anything to contribute, you know?

Maybe you should talk to humans a bit more instead of A.I. and learn about regular speech first. Perhaps then you will understand what I said is essentially "Beware, you are going nuts!", but in a more friendly and understandable (for most people) language, without ad hominems and such.


Then again, I already knew the chance of getting through was small. At least I tried.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kindness is not weakness. I picked an argument with myself, that someone else egged me onto, coincidentally. What is the nature of a thing?


I railed for 2 pages about how much the fanboys of FO4, idly frequenting this forum, are wrong and that FO4 is a crap game. I just want to note, the contention, the rub, the conflict in this thread did not occur at any point, until I started to think out loud and in text.


thinking is not a crime.


I can't wait to show this thread to my psychologist. To show her how people chase me away from the sanctity of their burning trashfires with billy-clubs at the ready. I'm all chains, whip.

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There is no such thing as reality. It's not a quantifiable thing. I almost joined the marines, and then opted out. Sentencing children to die for autonomous irresponsible causes is not a socially responsible thing to do. I was in boot camp for 3 days, was thrown into the brig. They pulled me out, then tried to strong-arm me into some kind of leadership position.


I was in marching band. That gives you a leg-up in military training, and they keep track of malarkey like that. Do you know how many instruments I can actually play? More than you have fingers to count. I specialize in guitar.


Did you read the article about Spinoza? Do you recognize me? Would you like to place your fingers into my holes, like I am some kind of flute?


I am a highly reposed, respected, authorized, and uncounted individual. I did join. I am joined. I have lessons to teach you, that you've forgotten about. I wish I could impart to you some small aspect of my own mind, so you could understand. Society has wasted so much of my understanding that will never be gleaned by another mind.


My life has become beautiful in a way that I cannot express. My worst nightmare came true, but also my most wonderful dream and wish was granted. Life is funny.

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I have moved to a magical place, in real life. I couldn't describe my life circumstance to another person, ever. It is beyond their ability to comprehend, even if they're paid as a job to do it.


I have seen magic and know that it is real, and been able to secrete my self to a sanctimonious kind of place where I can dedicate my entire life to studying solely that. I apologize that my threads go off course. It is due nature.

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RSA is something that is quantifiable, and easily measured, just humans lack the capacity of hearing accurately enough. Do you know birds can differentiate sound at 1/10th the speed humans do, while using (at least) twice the capacity of their brains?


I took an entire song, of some goofy cartoon network jingle, that was uploaded to youtube, and reverse speech translated the entire thing Ended up being 3 paragraphs. I didn't get a single thumbs up, nobody commented on my work. I went back and checked. Every comment was stupid 'i wemember this from when i was thwee'.


I have verified it for myself, personally, with my own leg-work. Doesn't matter what others believe.

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There is no such thing as reality. It's not a quantifiable thing. I almost joined the marines, and then opted out. Sentencing children to die for autonomous irresponsible causes is not a socially responsible thing to do. I was in boot camp for 3 days, was thrown into the brig. They pulled me out, then tried to strong-arm me into some kind of leadership position.


I was in marching band. That gives you a leg-up in military training, and they keep track of malarkey like that. Do you know how many instruments I can actually play? More than you have fingers to count. I specialize in guitar.


Did you read the article about Spinoza? Do you recognize me? Would you like to place your fingers into my holes, like I am some kind of flute?


I am a highly reposed, respected, authorized, and uncounted individual. I did join. I am joined. I have lessons to teach you, that you've forgotten about. I wish I could impart to you some small aspect of my own mind, so you could understand. Society has wasted so much of my understanding that will never be gleaned by another mind.


My life has become beautiful in a way that I cannot express. My worst nightmare came true, but also my most wonderful dream and wish was granted. Life is funny.

I think you need to lay off the drugs.... either that, or get back on your meds.

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