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Vortex will not start.

Go to solution Solved by Pickysaurus,

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I can confirm, Vortex no longer supports Windows 7. The latest version of Electron (and Chromium) that Vortex uses will not run on Windows 7 or 8 and has a minimum requirement of Windows 10.


You can try using an old build of Vortex (not recommend) or see if there's a mod manager out there that still supports the older OS.

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How do I prevent Vortex from trying to update to a non-working version?


I.e. people say it is due to my OS, but if that's the case shouldn't Vortex be able to detect my OS and not offer an update that doesn't work on my OS?


I know google chrome detects my OS and refuses to offer newer versions that don't support my OS.


Is Linux still supported? Since I can run linux on my server and have it manage the same files. So should I switch to running Vortex on linux to manage my game files?


My server has complete access to my desktop computer files (and vice-versa).




As far as using outdated software -- I note a suggestion to use Flash 9 to upload files, yet wasn't Flash discontinued over a year ago?



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can i ask why you're still running win7? to what end?


To the *main* end of upgrading would break too many programs. I say main, as there are multiple other reasons, as well, such as

* loss of desktop transparencies

* Loss of various Win7 Ultimate features like

* domain-features no longer included in non-professional versions of Win10/11.

* included deskstop games (like solitaire that I use while waiting for various activities)

* ability to control/select updates and when to install

* continuous uptime of over a month in Win7

* Windows Media Center (replaceable, but no longer builtin)

* lack of advertising that is built-in to Win10/11

* stability from not being used to test Beta updates (less of a problem w/Win10, now,

but that's also scheduled for obsolescence).

* increased privacy by not having the cloud integrated, including a default MS account for login.



There are things I would gain by updating, but it isn't a trivial procedure (I can't just flip a button and try Win10(or 11).


Those are just the few I could think of "off-hand", though I wouldn't classify it as an "end".


p.s. you didn't answer why the obsolete 'flash' is offered as an upload solution, here in the forums.

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How do I prevent Vortex from trying to update to a non-working version?


I.e. people say it is due to my OS, but if that's the case shouldn't Vortex be able to detect my OS and not offer an update that doesn't work on my OS?

This is probably a good idea, but since the issue was detected within the past day it is probably a bit early to expect it to be doing that already.


You can disable the automatic updates in the settings for Vortex. Picky posted a sticky about it at the top of the forum.

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p.s. you didn't answer why the obsolete 'flash' is offered as an upload solution, here in the forums.


Because the forum software was designed about 5 years ago and yanking things out of the software without need is like kicking a house of cards.

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can i ask why you're still running win7? to what end?


To the *main* end of upgrading would break too many programs. I say main, as there are multiple other reasons, as well, such as

* loss of desktop transparencies

* Loss of various Win7 Ultimate features like

* domain-features no longer included in non-professional versions of Win10/11.

* included deskstop games (like solitaire that I use while waiting for various activities)

* ability to control/select updates and when to install

* continuous uptime of over a month in Win7

* Windows Media Center (replaceable, but no longer builtin)

* lack of advertising that is built-in to Win10/11

* stability from not being used to test Beta updates (less of a problem w/Win10, now,

but that's also scheduled for obsolescence).

* increased privacy by not having the cloud integrated, including a default MS account for login.



There are things I would gain by updating, but it isn't a trivial procedure (I can't just flip a button and try Win10(or 11).


Those are just the few I could think of "off-hand", though I wouldn't classify it as an "end".


p.s. you didn't answer why the obsolete 'flash' is offered as an upload solution, here in the forums.


Exactly! Why fix something if it isn't broken. I built my current rig back in 2009 running an AMD 8 Core @4.33 HGz, 32 GB RAM, using Win 7 Ultimate 64. The only upgrades were ram and a gfx card which is an Geforce RTX 2060. For what games I play it's more than enough.


As for Vortex, I'm running the prior version with no issues. When I close it and it wants to update, I just click the x and it doesn't update.

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p.s. you didn't answer why the obsolete 'flash' is offered as an upload solution, here in the forums.


Because the forum software was designed about 5 years ago and yanking things out of the software without need is like kicking a house of cards.



That's exactly why I haven't tried to upgrade from Win7 -- all the incompatible cards would (will) be a nightmare (or at least, unpleasant).

Edited by Astarae
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Guest deleted34304850


can i ask why you're still running win7? to what end?


To the *main* end of upgrading would break too many programs. I say main, as there are multiple other reasons, as well, such as

* loss of desktop transparencies

* Loss of various Win7 Ultimate features like

* domain-features no longer included in non-professional versions of Win10/11.

* included deskstop games (like solitaire that I use while waiting for various activities)

* ability to control/select updates and when to install

* continuous uptime of over a month in Win7

* Windows Media Center (replaceable, but no longer builtin)

* lack of advertising that is built-in to Win10/11

* stability from not being used to test Beta updates (less of a problem w/Win10, now,

but that's also scheduled for obsolescence).

* increased privacy by not having the cloud integrated, including a default MS account for login.



There are things I would gain by updating, but it isn't a trivial procedure (I can't just flip a button and try Win10(or 11).


Those are just the few I could think of "off-hand", though I wouldn't classify it as an "end".


p.s. you didn't answer why the obsolete 'flash' is offered as an upload solution, here in the forums.


i didnt answer because i don't know - it aint my website.

and those reasons you offered are ... well ... lame. haven't you given thought to the fact that its unsupported and therefore wide open to all kinds of threats and exploits? that should be your primary driver. that and more and more stuff aint going to work on it - as you've seen with the framework that vortex uses.

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