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Devs say Baldurs Gate 3 shouldn't be a "baseline" for rpgs from other devs- I disagree and here's why


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  On 8/24/2023 at 12:03 PM, JimboUK said:


  On 8/18/2023 at 5:41 PM, Mudran said:

I saw Asmongold reaction video about those twitter posts and some other youtuber, who compared it to Destiny 2 and their "don't overdeliver it" philosophy. Well Destiny 2 is such a typical example of "destroy the main game, so players would buy our newest expansion and praise us for changing for the better, while we do it on purpose" which started with Blizzard and WOW, but nobody didnt notice it or didn't want to criticize Blizzard at that time. So I get why players are angry - it is so twisted it makes you feel sick so you don't want to play games anymore.


But this reaction started with small dev scared from angry gamers reaction, which wasn't "the right place and the time" I would say and only made everything worse. AA games should be about innovative mechanics and freedom, while they copy AAA games with pseudo realistic graphics and failing anyway. They would do that mistake even without BG3 success. It is hard to say why Larian games are so popular for me, but it didn't start with super realistic graphics and 3 and more voiced dialogue options - that is all I would tell to those "scared devs".


This is not what happened at all and it's why you should find things out for yourself rather than listen to YouTubers looking for rage clicks.


This is what was said, read it, it's bears no resemblance to what the clickbait YouTubers are saying (4) Xalavier Nelson Jr. PAX West on X: "Like a lot of people, I'm deeply excited about what the lovely folks at Larian accomplished with Baldur's Gate 3, but I want to gently, pre-emptively push back against players taking that excitement and using it to apply criticism or a "raised standard" to RPGs going forward 1/10" / X (twitter.com)


A link for those who can't access Twitter. Thread by @WritNelson on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App


Industry veterans found themselves under attack for agreeing with him, not by angry gamers but by entitled ones who don't care if devs would have to work themselves into the ground or if studios end up going under as long at they get bigger games. FFS entitled gamers were telling the likes of Josh Sawyer how to make games, it was ridiculous.


Society is going backwards, less and less people stop to think before picking up the pitchforks and flaming torches, we have the equivalent of 17th century lynch mobs on YouTube and Twitter, if you choose to be part of that then that's on you, but it really isn't a good look.



It is more accurate to say that most of them half read what was said misinterpreted it then twisted to the most toxic version they could as twitter is want to do. (I fail to see why and intelligent human would expose themselves to the most toxic and hostile environment on the planet Twitter is only slightly worse than middle school for its intolerance and toxicity.)


That said I re iterate that I believe that they were saying that BG3 should not be the baseline or the bare minimum of what we expect from a good RPG, but that is should be come the bar. It should become what we as the consumer expect from a 5 start AAA game.


Just as Bethesda raised the bar with Skyrim over a decade ago Larian has now done it with BG3.


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  On 8/26/2023 at 10:14 PM, JediMasterTallyn said:


It is more accurate to say that most of them half read what was said misinterpreted it then twisted to the most toxic version they could as twitter is want to do. (I fail to see why and intelligent human would expose themselves to the most toxic and hostile environment on the planet Twitter is only slightly worse than middle school for its intolerance and toxicity.)


That said I re iterate that I believe that they were saying that BG3 should not be the baseline or the bare minimum of what we expect from a good RPG, but that is should be come the bar. It should become what we as the consumer expect from a 5 start AAA game.


Just as Bethesda raised the bar with Skyrim over a decade ago Larian has now done it with BG3.




He was saying that this is an anomaly and people should not expect games like this is in the future and he explains why.



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Disagree, I don't want to constrict my Hand to Eye coordination by limiting myself to dice rolls, I play games to make sure that my hand can work a task while my eye looks somewhere else.


Plus, the time they took to make BG3 dwarf other game development cycle, HARD, there's just too little incentives to create a game that emulate BG3 in terms of whatever you think make a great game.


To me personally, a great game from the get-go constricts the consumer and it's own market, it will and eventually overload the userbase with tourist instead of people that actually care and not drop the series as 2-year mark hit. Because the thing is I was raised in 2005 game at 2014, at that age I found a lot of good video games with mod support and active community, something that can rarely be seen in modern game that rely on dev mercy.

Skyrim is kinda meh from the get-go, but the mod support makes up for it greatly, so is Mount and Blade Warband, probably one of the better games around with mod support since the base Mount and Blade is kinda meh, but once you add stuff like Perisno, Gekokujo or other mod it totally became a new game altogether.


If dev wants to foster a great community around a game that will put up and pay whatever s#*! you give, they should consider doing whatever TaleWorlds and Bethesda is doing to Warband and Skyrim, it honestly makes people just shrug at every single of your business decision, look at Skyrim re-releasing s#*! left and right and pulling mods to their paid site, no one get mad as much as they get mad to other online live service developers.


BG3 look boring to me, but that might just because i'm really not into tabletop, otherwise it look okay to me for a game 7 year in development, look more like a 2014 online game for me but what do I know.

Edited by unevenbrownies
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  On 10/13/2023 at 10:27 PM, MrJoseCuervo said:

Perhaps is a better word.


Starfield does rather suggest complacency, it's Fallout 4 in space, they've made no effort to evolve or innovate which I think is reflected in the lack of interest in it a month after launch, it's ranked 112 on Twitch and to give some context to that, Mario 64 is at number 87. I'm getting a real Outer Worlds vibe from it, loads of hype and then forgotten about a month later.

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how much something is played on twitch in not an indicactor of a dead or failed game it just means that it is not being playing on twitch much.

How much is it being played by people not on twitch?

Perhaps because of how buggy or intensive it is because from what saw at launch Starfield did not like being played while trying to stream it people are playing it offline.

Is the game still selling copies? What are its Steam or GOG numbers? How much money did it make?


Diablo 4 is considered a dead or dyeing game yet people are logging in a playing it ALOT from what I have seen. (Talk about complacency and could have or should have done better looking at you Blizzard)

So I do not use Twitch numbers to judge a game "life span" after all I recently learned that Freaking EverQuest is still Alive and well.

FREAKING EVERQUEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


When is the last time one of my old school gamer buds even thought of that game and to learn is STILL has a fairly major following and gaming community??

You put too much faith in Twitch an Tik Tok Most of us have longer attention spans.

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Twitch is an accepted indicator of interest in a game, belittling those who use that platform (I don't) won't change that fact, if you want another indicator then it's already fallen behind the likes of CP2077 and BGS 3 on Steam concurrent players, two games that are also on GOG. Google Trends shows the same thing. Maybe you can point to where the interest is because I'm not seeing any, the Nexus doesn't count, it's a very Bethesda centric site. We've gone from huge hype to silence, it's exactly what happened with the Outer Worlds, another game that didn't live up to the hype.


Interest in all games wane post release but Starfields decline seems to be quite marked, that's not good for a game designed to sell minutes on Gamepass.

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