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There is a great commotion coming from the den, followed by a burst of collective laughter.


Zorlen hastily finishes his drink. "Now I hope you'll excuse me, but I must be going. Sounds like something of interest is happening in the den. Good night to all of you."


Zorlen gathers his belongings and walks out of the room in the direction of the den.

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OOC: As far as I knew, this was the introduction thread for the "Stinking Barfly Tavern" located on the General chat Thread (i think thats what its called... haven't paid much attention there.)


Point being, this is all OOC, just intros, the RP is in the other thread.


Anyway, if I'm wrong, which I don't belive I am, then some elder member should correct me, otherwise, you have just been informed.


HAVE A NICE DAY. And don't squash the barflies, we pay them good money to be the mascots.

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  • 1 month later...

Introducing Verslawtheyrn


Name: Verslawtheyrn

Pronounciation (and etymology): vur-slow-theyrn, (Meaning king of fools, lit. king/emperor over slow, derived from Old English and Ancient Celtic.)


Age: 22

Sex: Male

Race: Human


Preferred weapon(s): Anything big and simple will do just fine. But feels most in home with bare fists. Can't handle any bows and only likely projectail weapon would be throwing big rocks.


Appearance: Huge muscular, blue eyed and yellow haired man. Always smiling, shouldn't come off as aggressive guy. Looks like a simple fellow, but scary because of his size.


Pesonality: A rather simple fellow who luckily has a power and size advantage in combat situations. He's wandering the wilds because his dad sent him off of their farm after Verslawtheyrns mother died. Verslawtheyrn was too "special" to understand how to work in a farm. He is kind and easily persuaded. He believes that everyone is good deep down in their soul and that goodness just has to be dug up by a friend. If he someday manages to get a friend he is a trustworthy partner and does anything to protect his friends.

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The door flies open and a lonely fella' walks in, his left arm is bleeding and the shield he's wearing is badly smashed up.

His name is not known by many, but a few call him by his right name, and they haven't got much time to live left.

They call him Élsúch, at least most people think they do.

Nobody knows where he was born, how old he is, or what he is doing in these woods, all they know about him is that you better find him before he finds you.

Though he is skilled with the sword and the bow, he is not invincible, as his condition shows.


After entering the tavern and feeling the smell of ale, he sits at the bar, orders a cup of ale, and drinks it quietly while inspecting the others at the tavern under his hooded cape, the fact that almost everyone wishes that he went back out again and took his torn rags that he calls a cape and leather shirt with him doesn't matter at all.

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After drinking another two cups of ale and paying up, Élsúch notices some kind of monster with two huge red wings sitting in a tavern full of humans, of wich a few of them has sworn to destroy evil forever, but he is sitting totally unharmed.

"this must be a very powerful or a very fearsome traveler, indeed it must be" he mumbles to himself.

After inspecting the people around him for a few more minutes, he slowly rises and walks over to the creature, though he walks with caution, since this traveler might not be a traveler, but a monster who has come to kill these people, including himself.

It may be the grim reaper himself.. no, that is silly of him to think, he walks over and sits down next to the reap.. the traveler.

"Who are you?" he wispers so low that the intended listener is the only one to hear it.


OOC: sorry for not posting this in the real rpforum, I'm slow, you know.

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Cete - Redguard enters the bar, then colllapses to the floor dunk, saying something about cheers. Clearly, his mind is elsewhere, and the bartender starts wondering if he should drag the body out.




Please pay at least a bit of attention to the setting.


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Introducing Navonod Eveer


Age 52


Birthplace - Blue River, Eveera


Race - Eveeran


Occupation - Eveeran Bright Knight


Experiance - Highly skilled with long-bladed weapons, preferes single-handed.

Also skilled in blocking and with heavy armor, and a good speaker,

and quite conversiant with many types of magic. I am strong, fast

and agile, as well as intelligent and strong-willed. I tend to be very

friendly and personable, and will defend my friends at any risk to

myself. As an Eveeran Bright Knight, I am bound by both duty and

choice to protect the innocent, the weak, and all honest creatures

from the ravages of the evil and hartless. I seek out injustice,

cruelty and corruption whever they exist and fight them with all of

my being. Although I myself have a code of strict honesty, I tend

to sympathise with those who have been forced by circumstances

to resort to thievery or other professions considered socially

unacceptable to survive. I love a good adventure, and enjoy

teaming up with other adventurers to hunt treasure and fight evil.

I have a number of hobbies, two of which are pearl-diving and

baiting Slaughterfish. Being born under the sign of the Bright

Knight, I am gifted with the ability to breath under water, which

makes these hobbys a natural for me.




He takes off his blindingly bright polished gold-plated titanium helmet as he

enters the room, a highly decorated, long and heavy sword swings at his side.

Strolling non-chalantly and easily up to the bar, he leans his shield against the

bar, face out so that the solid black background with the pure white star-sign of

the Bright Knight nebula is clearly visible to all. Setting his helmet carefully on

the bar, with a disarming smile he politely asks the Preacher for a glass of orange

juice, as Bright Knights never touch alchohal.

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Name: Xei

Sex: Female

Race: Nord

Age: 27

Weapons/armor: Spear of the Hunter/Snow wolf pelt

Disposition: Quiet, stays out of the way mostly. Sometimes ditzy, which is highly odd in the roleplaying world. ^_^



Xei walks into the room and looks around, taking note of everyone in the room. She heads to the bar for a glass of ale, but on the way trips over a loose board and falls flat on her face.

"I feel good about that..." she says standing up and going to a secluded table instead.

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