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"Stampede *succesfully resisting calling him Stampie* "My dear siblings server is in dire need of a boot up his behind, despite a flattering invitation to loose myself in a neverending story and entertaining you in this smelly parlour..."


Mercurian looks suprised as she...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Danathorn


Age: 28


Height: 6'ft

Race: Imperial

Faction: Imperial Legion

Rank: General

Birthsign: The Warrior

Weapon of Choice: longsword and shield

Armour: Imperial Duke's Guard Cuirass, imperial paldrouns, silver greaves and templer's boots.


Fighting Tactics: Agile and fast, when he swings his sword it is very fast and godlike. He will fight to his death for his Emperor and the Imperial Legion.

Personality: Great leader and can easily make allies just as he can enemies. He is friendly and trustworthy and will never betray any of his friends.


History: He left his home in purset of becoming a soldier for the Emperor. He climbed the ranks fast and was offered 2 become a General under the Emperor but he refused and instead became a officer incharge of the saftely of the Emperor. Later on he agreed on becoming General of the 6th Legion and is loved by his men and they will gladly follow him too whatever end and that is where he stands now.

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  • 2 months later...

Introducing Andglin


Name: Andglin

Sex: Male

Age: 32

Race: Bosmer


Weapon of Choice: Daedric Bow


Fighting Tactics: Agile and Fast, Andglin prefers not to be seen while taking his foe's out with his bow, although if spotted and close combat is un-avoidable he will show you why he is feared with his Katana as well


Personality: Andglin although deadly, is a kind and gental elf, he was mistreated when young which pushed him into defending himself, now he tends to stay out of trouble and trust only a few, but if anyone tries to hurt one of his few friends he will defend them with his life


walks in slowly and takes in the scene, a dark cloak around him with the hod down around his neck and his bow slung over his back with just a hint of his katana proding out from his cloak, after taking in the place he makes his way to the bar,


"One of your strongest drinks please barkeep"

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Introducing Wraithguard


Name: Wraithguard

Sex: Male

Age: 25

Race: Human


Weapon of Choice: The legendary short sword 'Ylesia'


History: Little is known about Wraithguard, it is only known that this is not his real name, it is what he calles himself because his real persona is being hunted down by the authorities in his hometown. (Which is also unknown) He tends to keep to himself, but doesn't have an evil vibe to him.


Personality: Very quiet.


Looks: Wears a dark cloak with a dark hood. He wears his dagger Ylesia on the outside of his cloak.


Wraithguard walks into the bar, taking in the aromas in the room. He sits at the bar and quietly asks the bar keep for a drink.

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Introducing: Esaliyon


Name: Esaliyon (must I tell you this again? A little strange...)

Sex: Female

Age: Appears to be in her mid-to-late twenties

Race: Elven crossbreed [sun elf father x Moon elf mother]

Weapon of choice: Her katana, Findarato, meaning "Lastwish," and her tanto, which has no name

Fighting tactics: Esa is an assassin by trade, operating by writ or by gold. Her lifestyle has molded her into a swift, agile, cunning fighter, but she prefers to avoid unnessesary violence (bad for buisness, you know). However, if she has been selected to kill you, or if you do something that warrents your demise, I promise you, it'll be over soon.

Personality: Quiet on the outside, but easily excited or angered. She is cool toward most men, sometimes blatantly disrespectful, and she has a reason for that too, but that is for her to know, and you to learn. It is hard to ally yourself to her, because of her profession, but if you do she will never betray your trust... usually.


The door swung open, and in walked an elf, or rather an elvish crossbreed, judging from her midling complexion, skin no pure elf had, and her hair, a dark blonde at the roots and fading to platinum at the ends. She walked over to the bar, ordered wine, and sat down at a table near the fireplace, and momentarily eyed the others. The blonde elven crossbreed woman reclined comfortably in her seat, her feet booted in sturdy black leather atop another chair and she was dressed in a pale, faded blue top with the sleeves shorn off to make a "tank top," hemmed rather clumsily and simple black pants. At a slight angle on her slim hips sat a black belt, also of leather, or similar, with a katana sheathed on her right and tanto sheathed on her left. Her glass of wine rested on the wooden tabletop. The drink hardly looked as if it had been touched and in fact, it hadn't. The half sun elf-half moon elf had more on her mind then the booze in the tavern, and her fine-featured face was pensive, bright hazel eyes staring at the woodgrains unseeingly, mouth set into a slight downward curve, and her alabaster brow was faintly furrowed in thought. She reached up absently to tuck away a strand of her whispy pale locks behind her pointed ears and paused as her tattoo caught in the firelight. It was a strange mark in ink manufactured by arcane means, invisible except in a flame's direct glow. It showed a rather serpentine black dragon coiled around a white rose, both figures painted scarlet by blood, and her name was hidden in a blade that could have easily been any one of the single handed weapons in the Akaviri style, decorated lavishly, but she saw it perfectly. The name Esaliyon, dead in the center, running down the bright steel. The elf sighed, and dropped her feet below the table as she propped her head on her hands and elbows. So much change now, so much turmoil, so mach pain, and so much grief. And all of it was hers. Her gaze drifted lazily toward the bar and the other patrons onece more as she sank back into her infathomable thoughts, delicate but strong hand fingering the glass of liqour.

Edited by Rose Wyrm
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  • 1 month later...

Introducing Sativarg


Name: Sativarg

Clan: Millenious

Sex: Male

Age: 46

Race: Elf


Weapon of Choice:

Anointed Short blades


Age has seasoned sativarg, testing him. Having turned his back on love as a youngling, he tends to be a loner. His weakness is Independence. His strength is intelligence. alchemy has plagued him with temptations and armed him with sight.


Helpfully but cautious


Other skills:

word weaver

Peal the skin of sacred fruit and taste the XTC' that traps temptation!

temptation traps that XTC'

the taste and fruit

sacred of skin

the peal



Gray tired and small. His cloths are patched and worn with varnish of hard living.


Sativarg pears out at the cold of the morning. His pallet, warm and safe, is hard to leave on such days as these.





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  • 4 weeks later...

name: théo



Creation of mine.


The thylians are from glacticka a place where it snows every day of the year , they are hybrid between humans and white tigers (they look like mithras from ffXI), they are strong , fast , full of willpower and very agile , they fight with dual fists with enormous blades on them (more looking like wolverine with longer blades) and they can jump higher than normal creatures they can reach the top of a normal house by being master in acrobatics.


here have a look.



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