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Introducing Haelon Kerath:


Pronounced: hay-elon kerath.


race: who knows, his hood isnt down long enough for any one to find out. though many think Drow.


sex: male.


age:about 250ish. stoped counting at 125.


weapon of preferance: staff or his Magic.

fighting tactics: no set style or tactic, does like to blast his enemies to bit though or torture them slowly in thier own minds.


attitude: dark, brooding, does lighten up around freinds though and wont say no to a mug of ale but prefers spirits. Always out for power no matter the cost. Values his freinds highly and will do any thing within his power to help them. Has an unfortunate flare for the crap dramatic.



The tavern door opens revealing a dark figure outlined against the sky, the figure walks in to the tavern, the door closing behind him without ever needing to be touched. the person walks over to the bar and asks for a mug of ale(and it had better be your best or this tavern might just end up as a smoking pile of cinders, I am not in a good mood today.)

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Sophia Hudson


Sex: Female

Age: 17

Race: Human


Weapon of preferance: Magic, sometimes Staff

Fighting Tactics: Prefers to be at the back of a group. Supports Allies by casting restoration spells and summoning and attacks enemies by destructive magic. Only uses her staff if she has to.


Attitude: Happy and loves spending time with friends. She does get into situations that don't concern her but she normally does it to help someone. Spends time with friends or studying magic.


Sophia opens the door revealing a lively tavern. Not seeing anyone she knows, she walks over to the bartender and orders an ale. She sat down, turned round flinging her hair back. She watched a person that looked like a drow perform tricks with a coin. Thinking it will take time to befriend him, she relaxed, drinking her ale.

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  • 2 weeks later...

name: Peirs


race: dark elf


age: 20


fightin styles: magic and perferably scimatars fights using the valkyre style



attitude: shady and very dissliked by the officals, hates just about anyone. quick to anger and easily very dangerous to even his freinds.


you here a loud explosion as the doors to the tavern and about 1/4 of the wall r blow away. as the smoke clears you see a tall forboding figure walk in with a glowing red scimatar at his side and glowing steel armor. he slowly walks to the counter and jumps over it and grabs one of the finest ales slamming 150 gold onto the counter. he slowly walks to the very back of the room and sits down in one of the booths alone to sip his ale while calculating everyones strengths.

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Anduhnaë Elnadról (an-duh-NAE el-NA-droll)

**notice the"h"still has its sound



Stepping into the tavern, the female elf pulled off her black hood lincking to the long cloat she was wearimg, her straight raven black hair reflecting the fire light. She walked to the corner of the hall with perfactly balanced strides and arranged the chairback to the wall. After days of traveling, all she wanted was a night of rest.

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Introducing... Drakeo Draconus


Pronounced: Drake-E-Oh. Draw-Cone-is.


Race: Emerald Dragon. (Shape-shifted into an Elven form for public relations.)


Age: 1019. (Considered adult.)


Titles: Lord of Draconus. Lord Knight of the Storm Knight brigade. Paladin of Lathium.


Fighting style: Broadsword and Shield style, Storm Knight type. (Weapon and armor changes properties from Lawful Good, to Lawful evil to better fight his foes.)


Atitude: Laid back, and very nonchalant. Being a Dragon that's been around long enough, a flaming Orc could run around in front of him, and he's most likely to just rooster a brow, and casually slide his sword out and put it out of it's misery, And go back to his drink like nothing ever happened. That's just Drakeo.


~Well, that was that. Another little watering hole in the middle of nowhere to get a good Vodka to warm his hollow bones. He came across the place by accident, like the others, and decided to stay a while. Entering the doors with a casual stride, his heavy armor (Think General from Fire Emblem) and thick greaves causing a heavy thud across the wooden planks of Ash. Good solid wood for a high traffic area. Tapping the Mud and other debris from each Greave, he looked up, and scanned the room. Kind of watiing for some kind of acknowledgment before stepping forward. He was after all, an un-announced guest.~

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Introducing: Adrian


Race: Human/Vampire


Age: Unknown (It is only rumored that he had participated in many mass murders through time.)


Fighting Styles:

Melee Combat: Uses two katanas with the Niten-Ryu style(dual-wielding).

Unarmed Combat: Karate.

Magic: Only uses his vampire magic.


Attitude: Arrogant and selfish. Mortals sicken him with their weakness. He's patient but once he's angry people tend to die painfully. No one is safe from him. Not even his allies. He retains no honor or kindness at all. Likes hurting people just for fun.


Adrian looked through the window, just in case there was a fight. But unfortunately no fight was on. He sighed a little bored and opened the door. The place was a little dead. He started walking towards the bar and ordered some strong ale. He sipped the ale and waited for some action. "Hmmm" he thought "It's quiet. TOO quiet. Something is not right. Anyway let them come. It's their funerals" He arrogantly concluded his thoughts.

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  • 3 months later...

Ginji sidled into the building, looked around, spotted the arrogant man at the bar, noticed his pionted teeth and cursed under her breath. He was sure to stir up trouble for the sake of it, and she had hoped to pass this sinkhole by without trouble. she took a seat at the opposite end of the bar to him, so that she could watch his body language for signs of danger.


Her hand was always at her shortswords hilt, not from waryness, but from habit. The barman looked at her, before inquiring as to what she would like to drink. she gave him a hard stare and said 'Red wine, now' in tones that made him flinch.

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Name: Rob

Gender: Male

Race: Half-Argonian

Age: 35

Personality: Completely insane. Normally in one of three states of mind: a loud, warmongering drunk, a silent, mysterious figure who hides in the shadows, or the stereotypical figure of a madman, talking loudly to himself in public and insulting others in plain earshot.

Phys. Char.: Wears an outlandish design of wide-bottomed shorts, heavy leather boots, and bits of apparently orcish armor sewed in to a tight, shirt made of a red cloth. A mask and bandages cover his head from view, though a few tufts of spiky dark red hair poke through.

Combat: Either bashes their faces in with a large iron club or slits their throats with a dagger at his side.

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