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Ia that what those 3 esm's are?...says "Not managed by Vortex" ...thought they were from another mod I had just installed "Custom Animation Speed" or something like that....and they are at the end of my load order...and it seems that the "Gameplay Options" only so save options to set but yet a box on righthand side appears for XP +/- that I assume is for the aliders adjusrments, but no sliders appear.  So maybe this has aomething ro do with it which would make sense if those edit gameplay options.  Havent checked ship builder yet.

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I don't know why they show up at the bottom of the load order, but yes, they are ship decoration, maps, and new game settings.  The prefix, SFBGS, probably stands for "Starfield Bethesda Game Studios".

No idea why they aren't merged with Starfield.esm, or why they aren't flagged as required files so they show up at the top of the load order.  Or why only 2 of the three are flagged ESL.  There are a lot of strange design decisions going on at Bethesda.  My personal theory is that they are slowly migrating the game code to what they originally wanted, which means SF was released early and unfinished.  And I mean really unfinished, on a game engine/code level.

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I moved all 3 to top just under the other mains (Starfield, OldMars, etc.) And before any other mods, and placed them in numerical order.  Now when I go to Gameplay Settings, I get them, set them, load game and when checking to see if hunger working, get 'Look Up Failed' under both headings for food and thirst. Had Realistic Consumables installed but have removed it and still 'look up failed'...seen it in some mods and moved it up load order and they worked, but for the actual game files from BGS doing this, not what I'd expect...and icant move them any higher cause they at the top already!!..lol

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29 minutes ago, Keelo6969 said:

I moved all 3 to top just under the other mains (Starfield, OldMars, etc.) And before any other mods, and placed them in numerical order.  Now when I go to Gameplay Settings, I get them, set them, load game and when checking to see if hunger working, get 'Look Up Failed' under both headings for food and thirst. Had Realistic Consumables installed but have removed it and still 'look up failed'...seen it in some mods and moved it up load order and they worked, but for the actual game files from BGS doing this, not what I'd expect...and icant move them any higher cause they at the top already!!..lol

It's a complete mess.  My guess is each one of the new files is from a different team, and no one did any integration or even much error checking.  Also every time Beth puts out an update the internal record structure changes, so it could be that causing problems too.

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On 5/15/2024 at 3:20 PM, aurreth said:

xEdit is not happy with this update.  Throwing all kinds of errors in the main ESMs.  Also seeing three new ESM files, SFBGS006, 007, and 008.  These are apparently related to new ship building stuff, new game setting sliders, and new maps?

Edit:  Probably need to move those up in load order.

At this point in time, I would not put too much faith in anything that xEdit shows (indeed, I put no faith in it at this juncture), simply because as even the xEdit team has stated, xEdit for Starfield is still extremely experimental since Bethesda has not released any modding tools as of yet, or any real info as to what is going on under the hood as far as how the game works.  Until Bethesda does release the tools and information, any other 3rd party tool should not be trusted or relied upon - even if it is from some of the most talented and respected individuals in the gaming community.  And this goes doubly so for using mods - there are NO supported mods at this point in time, and anyone using mods should not be surprised if things go wrong (even more than what might normally go wrong when using them - LOL!)

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On 5/15/2024 at 2:34 PM, Avrie05 said:

Hola... While SMR is having his internet restored He'd just like to remind everyone that the last beta update has now gone live this morning and is available for download.


These are the current patch notes


Thanks for updating the thread - I am back online now (at least until the next interruption when they dig up the lines again sometime during the next 2 or 3 weeks).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a couple of upcoming events that may provide some news or announcements from Bethesda regarding Starfield (as well as all their other games, of course):

Xbox Games Showcase

QuakeCon 2024

These would be the type of settings where it would seem most likely for Bethesda to make a major announcement regarding the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

From Bethesda, on X:

"Later today, jump into the Trackers Alliance and explore new content arriving in Starfield with Creations!"


"Explore the mysterious House Va'ruun when Shattered Space, a new story expansion, comes to @StarfieldGame this year"

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