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Vortex Download for Windows 11


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I uninstalled Vortex and intend to reinstall it on my external hard drive. When I try to reinstall it, I am redirected to a page telling me to update to Windows 10. I am currently using Windows 11, so it seems redundant to update to a past OS.


How would I go about downloading Vortex to my computer if I am currently using Windows 11?


Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.

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  • 4 months later...

i would think that vortex would think to update their format to take into account that newer microsoft computers will have windows 11, and i dont think we should have to find a way to bypass it, especially if the application uninstalls itself like it did for me.


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It does work for Windows 11.  I'd suspect the problem is that when you only get one report of an error every four months and that report is lacking in useful information (despite having millions of users/downloads) it can be very difficult to find out what is causing the problem for those very few people.

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Vortex does indeed work with Windows 11.  I have three gaming computers (I collect them) running Windows 11 Pro 64-bit.  Vortex is alive and well on all three.

I know this information doesn't help you resolve any problem you may be having.  If you could explain in more detail, then perhaps some knowledgeable person could  be of assistance.

Edited by AugustaCalidia
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