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A Fix for All Plugins Disabling after 1.6.1130


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Since Bethesda pushed the latest Skyrim SE update (1.6.1130) users have been reporting a problem where all of their plugins get disabled in-game after launching. 

While initial reports seemed to blame Vortex/MO2 for this action. It turns out to have been related to an SKSE mod that is not fully compatible with the base game. 


The Cause

The issue is caused by Engine Fixes. Specifically the "Part 1" file. One of the features of this mod allows achievements to be unlocked with mods installed. When this feature attempts to hook into the game, it encounters an error which causes the engine to disable all plugins. This seems to be a form of "safe mode" the game goes into after a crash. 


The Workaround

To avoid this issue, you simply need to open the file "Skyrim Special Edition/Data/SKSE/Plugins/EngineFixes.toml" in a text editor. Find the [Patches] section, then locate the line EnableAchievementsWithMods and change the value to false. It should look a little like this:

DisableChargenPrecache = false          # "Precache Killer", same patch that is already in RaceMenu
EnableAchievementsWithMods = false       # Enables achievements with mods active
FormCaching = true                      # Attempts to speed up the global form table by caching recently used forms (SSE Fixes)
MaxStdio = 2048                         # Sets the maximum number of open file handles (default 512), preventing the game from running out with large plugin counts (fixes false save corruption)
MemoryManager = true                    # Replaces Skyrim's global allocator
RegularQuicksaves = false               # Makes quick saves into regular saves
SafeExit = true                         # Prevent the game from hanging while shutting down
SaveAddedSoundCategories = true         # Save sound categories added by mods
ScaleformAllocator = true               # Replaces the scaleform allocator
ScrollingDoesntSwitchPOV = false        # Disables swapping between 1st/3rd person when using scroll to zoom, making it require manual swapping
SleepWaitTime = false                   # Modifies how long it takes an hour to pass when sleeping/waiting.
SleepWaitTimeModifier = 0.3             # 1.0 = default, smaller = faster, larger = slower
TreeLODReferenceCaching = true          # Speeds up the slow Tree LOD function. Requires FormCaching to be active. (SSE Fixes)
WaterflowAnimation = true               # Decouple water flow animation speed from in-game timescale and use our setting instead
WaterflowSpeed = 20.0                   # 20.0 = default, smaller = slower, larger = faster

If you're using Vortex, make sure you deploy after making this change and save it when the "External changes" window appears. 


Update: December 2023

You also need to change the following values to False:

SaveAddedSoundCategories = false
SaveScreenshots = false


Why is this happening?

This is a bit of an unexpected situation as the Engine Fixes mod interacts with Steam to ensure achievements are enabled, however, in Skyrim 1.6.1130 the integration with Steam appears to be completely absent. This means that players might not be able to earn achievements even without mods and the DRM protections that Steam normally provides are not present. This is very likely to be fixed by a further game update. 

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I used Engine Fixes sometime back and then deleted it so have not been using it. I would have to reinstall it.

I still think it is primarily an SKSE problem and those making SKSE may not yet understand the insidious nature of the

Bethesda 1.6.1130.

My game semi ran after the update and I could kind of get it to play somewhat but it has got worse and now will not run

even booting from Steam and it will crash on the second presentation screen of new game, not quite getting to the ride in the wagon

animation. So I am letting gravity take over, wait and see, contemplating GOG, and will keep all my Nexus mods archived for

possible future use.

I wonder if Bethesda is desperate and going under financially to have so little empathy or if they were simply incompetent planning this move.

Time will tell.

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17 minutes ago, Arlodon said:

I wonder if Bethesda is desperate and going under financially to have so little empathy or if they were simply incompetent planning this move.

It hasn't affected anyone using software that Bethesda supports, so I don't see how this could be incompetence on their part.

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