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User Profile and Direct Messaging Improvements Beta


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I used to do web design, so here is my feedback: I'm conscious I am probably just apprehensive to "new things", I was not really particularly attached to the old appearance, but my immediate critiques are thus:


1) I don't mind the color scheme

2) I like how prominent the thumbnails appear

3) I would prefer if the header and body of the page are different colors rather than just being separated by a thin line, but in terms of overall design this minimalistic approach works well.

4) Profile pic seems low res, probably been talked about lots already. I also agree with previous commenter that profile pic doesn't need to be on each mod thumbnail

5) Too much white space, mod thumbnails seem a bit large. On resolutions 1080p and above I could imagine easily 4 to 6 columns fitting well enough (or whatever the old layout had).

6) I like the gradient, I suspect there will be some sort of 'theme' selection in the future?

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Ok here is my "if I had 30 mins to make beta better" this would be it.

quick fast and in a hurry beta fix.jpg

  • Overall at 80% smaller
  • Sort by recently added
  • 3-5 mod view, scales size accordingly
  • No left column for profile details/details in header
  • Name scaled better for longer names
  • Avatar scaled smaller

edit: I left the avatars on the mods because I assume that is for when this theme is on game pages/search/etc. It might be nice seeing the avatar as well as mod image preview when searching through mods.

edit, edit: I also left the header space open because I assume that is for an eventual banner.

edit, edit, edit: I didn't have time for this sample but I'd also like if the thumbnails scaled properly, as classic does. I mean do I have to reupload all primary pictures? That would suck.

Edited by HollownessDevoured
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Guest deleted74990358
7 minutes ago, HollownessDevoured said:

Ok here is my "if I had 30 mins to make beta better" this would be it.

quick fast and in a hurry beta fix.jpg

  • Overall 80% smaller
  • Sort by recently added
  • 3-5 mod view, scales size accordingly
  • No left column for profile details/details in header
  • Name scaled better for longer names
  • Avatar scaled smaller

... so just the old design ❤️

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The design looks pretty ugly ngl. Like a good third of the web page I'm seeing is just blank space. I read it's due to ad blocker but as a premium user, should I even see ads? Followed by this is a section with way too big I guess bragging stats no one who ever visited a profile in their life cares about. The previous design was a lot sleeker and more condensed. With how big everything is and how the mod page section is designed, it feels like this was made for mobile.

Also, why did the about me text get deleted in the old design? I had information there on what the conditions of using my mod assets are so it's pretty important to me that this info is being displayed even in the transitional phase 😞

Other than that, it's cool that you can block people easily now. I was previously trying to block someone who spammed messages and I couldn't figure it out. So even if it was there, it wasn't intuitive at all. Glad for this improvement 🙂

Lastly, I hope we can turn off the Activity Feature, I hate it when people can online stalk what I do.

Edit: Oh another thing! Instead of "5 months ago" I think it's better if the date is displayed when mods were uploaded/updated like it was previously. This can be crucial information if a game has ongoing updates and the user is trying to figure out if the mod is out of date or no.


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Please make it so when you view the mod page and images page, Recently Added filter is on the top and is used before anything else just like how normal profiles work on the previous profile page. It just feels normal to have most downloaded as first when visiting an author's mod page. Though if this ever gets implemented into mod pages specifically, this could very much help with formatting descriptions and such. I can see how much better this would make mod pages look. 

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10 minutes ago, Poltergeister said:

Also, why did the about me text get deleted in the old design? I had information there on what the conditions of using my mod assets are so it's pretty important to me that this info is being displayed even in the transitional phase 😞



The 'About Me' section was temporarily removed as a result of upgrading our Forums, which was using an insecure and unstable version of Invision that had not been supported for some time. The old 'About Me' section was powered by the old forum, which for the reason stated above is no longer available. We need time to build a new 'About Me' section, which is not reliant or tied to the Forum and so that we do not end up in the same situation next time we upgrade the Forum software. Hopefully that makes sense.

We plan on bringing back the 'About Me' section in early 2024.


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HollownessDevoured, I have to say I really like that version of the redesign you made. It does look similar to what we have now, but what we have now is very functional - if not a little aesthetically dry. The new design seems... very aesthetically pleasing but has very little in the way of functionality.

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