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User Profile and Direct Messaging Improvements Beta


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I love the updated look and can't wait to see the entire nexus being updated in the future if this is exactly how it'll look. THERE IS ONE THING that should be added to profiles though and that is the added visual of seeing what mods from said author profiles have we downloaded as well as being able to filter it like a mini nexus mods browser section!!

There's a lot of talented modders that have soooo manyyyy mods that its hard to know when creating a personal collection what mods you've downloaded recently or just downloaded in general as well as what games they are for. I'd love to be able to browse their profiles properly to be able to install mods in an easy manner.

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How come there's no option to see every comment I left on mod pages? I wanna see if mod authors replied to my comments.

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6 hours ago, ssskoopa said:

How come there's no option to see every comment I left on mod pages? I wanna see if mod authors replied to my comments.

This would be a great feature to have.

I have checked the box for notifications about replies to my comments, but having a post history (like exists here on the forums) would be much better.

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Looking past what I don't like about it just because it's different, I find that I really don't like how the main area isn't centered.
I could get used to this layout if the sidebar really was on the side.

This is especially off-putting for people that use a sidebar in their browser, like Tree Style Tabs or Container Tab Groups on Firefox.

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would like to see the downloaded and updated banner back on the mods ive downloaded when viewing a user page. really like the big bold notification that it has been updated since i last downloaded instead of having to read the fine print.. maybe just change the downloaded and updated last text to orange idk. 

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  • Mod Tile summaries will no longer incorrectly display HTML from mod page descriptions. 
  • '"Last Active" and "Activity" sections will now respect your user settings. These settings can be found here
  • All staff and moderator roles should now display on User Profiles, ensuring there is no confusion as to who is Nexus Mods staff and who is not. 
  • Collections success ratings are no longer cut-off.


Upcoming Changes:

We have committed to making changes to account for many pieces of feedback that have been put forward in this thread. Here is a taster of what is still to come:

  • UI changes to display more content on the content tabs. We will be reducing the size of the avatar, sidebar and banner as part of this change. 
  • The revamped Activity Feed will be returning. It will/will not be shown based on your existing preferences. 
  • As we have said before, the game dropdown filter will be returning. 
  • Last remaining bits of HTML in "Mod Tile" sections will be automatically removed.
  • The report button will be returning, with the ability to report Profiles for rule breaking avatars or "About Me" sections. 
  • Mod Tile status indicators (Downloaded, Update Available, etc) will be returning
  • Many of the removed sorting options will be returning. In addition to this, the default sort for Mods and Media will be reverted to "Recently Added". This is the same as the default sort on the "Classic" version of the page. 
  • Fixing a bug with the 'Media' section that's causing videos not to display.

Any previously "Upcoming" changes that have been deployed to the beta will be marked as changed.

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I think that we should either be able to set the default sort for our page, or that it should be set to sort by newest by default again. I think the ability to “pin” 3-4 of our mods to the top of our page (with a visible pin icon, see instagram for inspiration) would provide an extremely useful middle ground for this.

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On 3/11/2024 at 5:21 PM, JustThatKing said:

Last Active" and "Activity" sections will now respect your user settings.

Thanks for fixing that.

4 hours ago, streetyson said:

my guy look like he's giving the finger instead of the victory sign!

This made me laugh more than it should have.

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