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User Profile and Direct Messaging Improvements Beta


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4 hours ago, JustThatKing said:

The "enormous banner at the top of the page" is due to your ad-blocker, which is over 50% of the screenshot. We need to run adverts to fund the petabytes of file downloads Nexus Mods provides entirely for free. We will not be changing UI elements to accommodate ad-blockers for free users of the site.


The distance you have to scroll and the fact that you are being shown Ads as a Premium user is because you are not signed in, you can see this in the screenshot you submitted. Let us know what you think specifically about this once you are signed in.

We are going to look at the "amount of mods displayed per line" on the mods tab, as per the feedback we have received.

I appreciate you consulting your actual community. I'm usually not even particular (as evidenced by my 2 posts in 5 years), but you guys did ask.

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i hate to be like this but i don't like this at all. my first impression was that it looks straight up copied from another gross mod website. idk the rules so i won't name the website i'll just say it starts with an s, but their profiles page looks identical and it's weirding me out. also i think it's too dark. the classic page was a nice gray but this new one hurts my eyes, hopefully a lighter mode will be added. if there will be a way to change back to classic mode whenever you want to once this releases that would be really wonderful

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There are a few things about this design that I feel could be improved.  This all has to do with user friendliness.

  • Elements that are used frequently by the end user should have prominence within the page.  For this page, the user is most interested in seeing the mods/collection/media that the author has created. The sidebar that includes the authors information is not used most of the time by the end user.  For instance, the end user does not have a need to use the "follow" feature very often.  Thus, this feature should not be given prominence within the page.  Placing the items in the sidebar within the header like the old design was a better choice.  If this was moved, there would be more space for more mods, which is what the end user is looking for in the first place.
  • The number of items per row is too few and the space between items is too large.
  • The design is not reactive to the size of the user's screen.  Larger screens should be able to show more items per row up to an default row size.  Please note that 3 items per row is not a good choice for a default on modern screen sizes.
  • There is no ability to sort items by "last updated".  This forces the user to visually search for updated mods, and since the font that shows the last updated date is very small, makes this process not very friendly.
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So as much as I would love to provide feedback, its basically impossible to use because you can't filter mods down in a useful way. It appears that the dropdown to do so is hardcoded to Skyrim,  Mass Effect 3 and Stardew Valley...

I'll be reverting to the classic look for now.

TO BE CLEAR: I understand that this is a preview of how it is meant to look, but the ability to filter an authors mods down to the mods for a specific feature is a core feature of the profile page in my personal opinion. I use it far too often to be using the beta version of the profile page. I hope this gets resolved soon as minus this major bug (IMO) the interface does look rather fantastic.

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It's a good start. After comparing it to the collection page and the original profile page, I would say I prefer the collection page. The collection page is the only page that covers a 3440x1440 screen and shows a large number of collections, 4 rows x 6 columns. I also like how it shows the picture of the mod collection to the left and then a description to the right for each mod profile.

The original profile page give indicators if you downloaded the mods or have been updated. I also prefer that the original's profile page default list parameter is the date published (recently added) so hopefully the preference for searches will be carried over. I also like ability to track a mod with the + in the top right of the mod. Looks like most games have not been added to the game tab on the new profile page with Skyrim SE seen only through all games.

Maybe create some unique backgrounds for specific games for profiles, similar to STEAM, so users can bring some individuality to their profile. You can even make some unique profiles for making mod of the month, unique download benchmarks, popular collections, or category specific (npc, home, quest).

Hope the feedback helps.

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Since you guys are looking for feedback, I thought I may add some too! My opinions do not differ that much from the others, but I am quite supportive of this new design you guys are going for!

Just like the other users, I do feel like the overall design seems quite "Big" to the eye when comparing in to the old design, there are not enough rows (going from 5 to 3 seems quite the rough change), it does bother me a bit that my username gets cut off a bit lol and some mod cards seem to have some weird spacing between its titles and the rest of the card's info. But I also wanted to do more! And since I'm a graphic designer myself I thought this may help a bit visualizing things better!

Original design:


Edited design according to suggestions:


I was also able to see someone else's screenshot with the "Get your mods and collections faster" ads to the sides of their screen, I felt like they were too much considering we already had the one above the user header, but to balance things out I think you could put one of those ads below the user's side panel (or below the donation button for some people), but it would be needed to make it so that the contents on the side panel doesn't follow the screen as you scroll through the user's page (since someone pointed that out).

In the edited design, I have this idea of the username getting smaller the larger it gets, just so it is able to fit the dimensions of the user's side panel, I've also added those mod dates everyone is going crazy about (guys please just hover your mouse over the "x weeks/moths/years ago" and you'll see the specific dates).

As for the number of card rows, I didn't want them to be as small as the old design because they were already losing legibility when I tried that out, so I could only make 4 rows fit without everything being as small as the old design, balanced!

Someone also pointed out that the user's profile pictured appeared blurry due to the size of the image on the user's page, making it smaller fixed that a bit, too!

Another user also pointed out that the blurred profile picture acting as a header for the profile page appeared to be way too "Padded", I do like it tho, if you guys are going to make custom headers please let that gradient (based on the user's profile picture) be the default, looks cool when it matches! 🙂

Lastly, still not sure what could be done about that empty space next to the "Kudos" card in the edited design, just let that be maybe?

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