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Forum Style Update - 27/03/2024


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@HollownessDevoured Maybe so.  I was working on it yesterday when I suddenly started getting some kind very weird problem that prevents me from accessing threads.  I click on a thread and get taken to a single random post in that thread.  In other words, can't view the whole topic.  The post is also with white background devoid of any website formatting.  I'll probably have to uninstall EDGE and reinstall it to see about correcting this.  Turning Stylebot off didn't correct the problem.  When I switched to Firefox, no problem.  So I know the problem is with my EDGE.

Of course the best solution is to give options to those with Accessibility needs and those who need something other than the blackhole-look.  I'm hoping we get an answer on Nexus' capability to do that as I asked about it yesterday.

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On 3/29/2024 at 4:59 PM, NexBeth said:

Thanks for adding the button link!  It may be easier to just have one button though, since all the buttons lead back to the same exact place "About Me".


If you're on the beta profiles it will go to the appropriate tab. Once we move fully to the new profiles this will work as intended at all times. If you're not in the beta it will redirect to the About Me on the old style. 

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On 3/29/2024 at 5:59 PM, NexBeth said:

EDIT:  Found a color/font theme changer, StyleBot.  It works with EDGE, CHROME, FIREFOX.  Will be a chore to make customization though.

Modding a modders forum, epic.

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Pickysaurus i really hope you guys will come up with an alternative option concerning the "coloring". That black on white is ok but the uniquness of nexusmods, is orange on grey. Iirc before that we had green on grey or something it was close after 2000. It would be something special to have such old UI skins as well. Nexus special edition, heck, you can tie it on a premium user account, unlock special UI by status.... 🤔

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10 minutes ago, Qrsr said:

Pickysaurus i really hope you guys will come up with an alternative option concerning the "coloring". That black on white is ok but the uniquness of nexusmods, is orange on grey. Iirc before that we had green on grey or something it was close after 2000. It would be something special to have such old UI skins as well. Nexus special edition, heck, you can tie it on a premium user account, unlock special UI by status.... 🤔

The colours in the new forum skin are our brand colours. These were set by our design team. The light greys have been replaced with darker ones as you'll see on any the newer parts of the site we build. 

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1 hour ago, Pickysaurus said:

The colours in the new forum skin are our brand colours. These were set by our design team. The light greys have been replaced with darker ones as you'll see on any the newer parts of the site we build. 

So the old colors were not your brand colours and not setup by your design team?

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I'm not really sure what point you're trying to make there. Brand colours can change and evolve over time. If I recall Discord changed their shade of purple a while ago and Google seems to tweak their entire pallet every few months, as examples. 

What is considered the current brand colours is in the control of the design team. While it's clear that it's a slightly worse experience for some, the web accessibility guidelines rate the new styles far higher than the old ones. The specifics are "above my pay grade" as I'm not a professional designer but if there's design research to back up the decisions you'd assume they're moving things in the right direction. 

You can obviously let us know how you feel about the changes (which you most definitely have, it has been noted) and we'll ensure the designers read and consider it. 

I wonder if there's something related to specific visual requirements or maybe something as obscure as some older display tech showing it differently that causes discomfort for those who have raised it. 

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I appreciate your answer. The following notes are without any offense in mind.

Most changes are done because changes must be done not because these really needed to be done. On the other hand mankind is a professional on conserving power, and everything new forces mankind to use power, to think and realign order. For the new UI some patterns (my own) needed to change in order to work flawless with everything. The UI texture however, the colors, i really need the old ones. Since they are hardcoded into my routines 🙂

9 minutes ago, Pickysaurus said:

the web accessibility guidelines rate the new styles

Statistics is what the mass applied to or not, ... but statistics are not the sum of each individual but of all at once. Not all at once will love all of one. I can only see what is written in the forums and this is what i assume makes the most sense since the UI is mostly about the forum. So listen to the forums not theoretical pseudo science.

Good luck with the future content.

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18 minutes ago, Pickysaurus said:

I wonder if there's something related to specific visual requirements or maybe something as obscure as some older display tech showing it differently that causes discomfort for those who have raised it. 

I think it is much simpler than that. It's damaged eyesight. Those of us who sacrificed our retinas on the altar of cathode ray monitors of 1980s and 1990s feel the strain of high contrast. Younger people who grew up with LCD, TFT or other flat screen technologies do not have this issue. They simply do not see the way we see because their retinas are still firmly attached to their eyeballs and are still at full resolution. I wonder what is the age of those "web accessibility" assessors? And how many years behind a cathode ray monitor they have under their belts? Zero, it seems.

And don't ask how old I am - it is impolite to ask a lady her age. 😉  I think this post should give you enough of a clue.

Edited by LenaWolfBravil
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There are a number of old women on these forums who are actively modding games. I consider it a badge of pride, personally.

I find the bold white on dark grey of the sub-forums titles to be quite glaring, but I wouldn't call it painful in the least. I'd like to see it toned down, but will get used to it and continue to visit nevertheless.

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