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Reasonable Question, Ridiculous Answer

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A: Because it was a cold hard cash?  You must have mistaken it for bread.  HIPPIEs called money bread instead of money.

Q: Is a dowry a medieval way of insurance so all the daughters of the royal house get married off?

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A: Touch your stove pipe hat to check.  It still might be warm from standing too close to your stove.

Q: Why is dog speak called barking?

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A: That is a rediculous question.  To answer it I would have to stare at the mountain while the man dressed wearing a buck's skins that he probably rented from a deer who was changing into their summer suits while the man tries to convince me to pay him money to take a picture while he is standing in my way so I can't shoot a shot and get an idea of if anyone whose faces I see are on the side of that mountain because they all probably rushed to get more friends who all want to be paid to get shot by a camera.

Q: Why does the planet Earth spin around?

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Well it can't exactly spin up or down in space, where there is no up or down.

Why can't dogs talk, while parrots can?

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A: Anyone with a little knowledge of the French language knows that Mountains are Grand Tetons and plowing into them only makes them wobble and some times get bit of a white top, we English (US) call snow caps.

Q: Why isn't Earth a bad word since it means it is dirt?  So is meaning of the word poop, so is the meaing of the word shyte or s#*!, so why doesn't Earth get struck from this sites dictionary for being dirtier then all the others?

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