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Using Vortex after using in-game mods


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You can use the two in tandem. Bethnet mods will obviously be unmanaged by Vortex and vice versa. Both can arrange your load order. I'd recommend using Wrye Bash to set your load order after installing any mods. Bethnet mods always have all assets packed in an archive. If a Nexus mod has loose files, they take priority over archived assets. If a Nexus mod packs it in an archive, then whichever mod's plugin loads last will have its assets take priority.


Note: This response is copied from a reddit post and edited for relevance.

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Here is the link to Wrye Bash and it works with all Bethesda games from Morrowind to Starfield and I have used it for 20 years. I do guess it was the first modmanager that came out really, the rest are copy cats...  😉

Some of the others do have features for mod-makers that Wrye Bash do not have.

Edited by Pellape
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