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Favorite Movies


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Hey Everyone!

Time to list your favorte flicks

Mine include:



Wayne's World

2001: A Space Odyssey

The Shining

Doctor Strangelove (wow, the third Kubrick in a row)

Reservoir Dogs


Post yours NOW!

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The Matrix Trilogy

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Star Trek (from Generations onwards, none of that Original Series cr@p thanks!)


Umm I think those are the only ones that really make it onto my favourites list. :P Star Wars was very good but not brilliant. I haven't seen Episode III yet though.

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Star Trek (from Generations onwards, none of that Original Series cr@p thanks!)


And Switch wins the forum Worst Taste award...


Everything after VI was a disgrace to the series. Lets see....


Generations: a two hour collection of plot holes that makes zero sense if you've got more intelligence than the average 5 year old, as well as being a cheap excuse to sell movie tickets with Kirk's name. My dog could write a more coherent script than this.


First Contact: the only bright point in the TNG movies, in that it's merely average not actually unwatchable.


Insurrection: yay for false moral dillemas (improve the lives of billions or avoid inconveniencing a few people... tough choice there) and dull scripts. And the whole crew rebellion thing? Lets just forget that badly done bit of garbage ever existed.


Nemesis: the definition of unwatchable. Here's a hint, when even the most rabid of fans refuse to accept its existence, you have a bad film.



I guess you never watched Wrath of Khan or Undiscovered Country, did you? The TOS movies make it onto "best movies ever made" lists. The TNG ones can't even make it onto "best Star Trek movies ever" lists!




Oh, and...


The Matrix Trilogy


was a joke, right? The first movie at least had style and made good mindless entertainment. The others were just horrible. A bit of advice to directors: don't ramble on about pseudo-philosophy when your entire movie is based on a bit of idiocy and ignorance more appropriate to 1st grade writing class than a major movie.

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Let's see...


In no particular order:


Dune (David Lynch version, not crappy mini-series)

The Hunger

Repo Man

Blue Velvet

Dead Man

Wild At Heart


Throne of Blood

From Hell

Pulp Fiction

Grim Prairie Tales

A Company of Wolves



Blade Runner

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Star Trek (from Generations onwards, none of that Original Series cr@p thanks!)


And Switch wins the forum Worst Taste award...


Everything after VI was a disgrace to the series. Lets see....


Generations: a two hour collection of plot holes that makes zero sense if you've got more intelligence than the average 5 year old, as well as being a cheap excuse to sell movie tickets with Kirk's name. My dog could write a more coherent script than this.


First Contact: the only bright point in the TNG movies, in that it's merely average not actually unwatchable.


Insurrection: yay for false moral dillemas (improve the lives of billions or avoid inconveniencing a few people... tough choice there) and dull scripts. And the whole crew rebellion thing? Lets just forget that badly done bit of garbage ever existed.


Nemesis: the definition of unwatchable. Here's a hint, when even the most rabid of fans refuse to accept its existence, you have a bad film.



I guess you never watched Wrath of Khan or Undiscovered Country, did you? The TOS movies make it onto "best movies ever made" lists. The TNG ones can't even make it onto "best Star Trek movies ever" lists!




Oh, and...


The Matrix Trilogy


was a joke, right? The first movie at least had style and made good mindless entertainment. The others were just horrible. A bit of advice to directors: don't ramble on about pseudo-philosophy when your entire movie is based on a bit of idiocy and ignorance more appropriate to 1st grade writing class than a major movie.

And this, people, would be the perfect example of why this idiot lost his moderation priviledges. Learn not to flame sometime, will ya?


I do have greater intelligence than your average five year old, and frankly, dislike your taste in just about everything. Including your choice of personality traits.


I happen to enjoy those films. I think they're good. Just because you think they are not doesn't mean you get to rub it in my face and try (rather incapably) to make me look silly. I just happen to think that the Kirk films were a load of corn. I'll admit I didn't watch all of them, just bits and pieces, but it all looked like the same old Kirk stuff so I didn't look into them in any more depth. Ok?


For once could you respect other people's opinions instead of getting on your high horse and insulting people? It's rather pathetic to watch. :rolleyes:

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I still like all the Monty Python stuff. Holy Grail probably the best though.

Im told they are a lot funnier when your drunk. Apparently alot of college students watch them.

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I still like all the Monty Python stuff. Holy Grail probably the best though.

Im told they are a lot funnier when your drunk. Apparently alot of college students watch them.


Totally forgot! Yup, add Life of Brian and Holy Grail to my list!

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I do not appreciate having my posts deleted when a simple edit will work if you have a problem with one line of it. Last time I checked, debating the merits of a Star Trek film isn't against the terms of service.


I do have greater intelligence than your average five year old, and frankly, dislike your taste in just about everything.


Then clearly you realize how Generations' pathetic excuse for a plot makes no sense at all. Apparently you misunderstood that comment, because I never said you had a 5 year old's intelligence. Just that you (general sense) have to be that stupid to miss the plot holes. We're not talking about something you have to be a Star Trek expert to catch. These are blindingly obvious plot holes so bad that they shatter suspension of disbelief and ruin the movie.


I just happen to think that the Kirk films were a load of corn.


And the newer ones weren't? If they hadn't had the Star Trek name attached, none of the TNG ones would've attracted a decent audience. Admit it, everything after VI was a badly done attempt at making an easy profit.


I'll admit I didn't watch all of them, just bits and pieces, but it all looked like the same old Kirk stuff so I didn't look into them in any more depth. Ok?


I see, which makes you look perfectly credible here. Unlike you, I have watched the movies I insult. How is it that you can have such a strong opinion of movies you haven't even watched?

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