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Nexus Mods Navigation updates

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Would like to see the option to switch back to the old style for those who wish to still use it.

I like the idea with now having more favorites you can assign to the row, but the new style is currently harder and less effective to quickly navigate with.


One of the reasons for it being less effective is having favorite games organized in columns of 6, whereas with the old style you had all the games organized from left to right in alphabetical order. That was quicker.

If we got the ability to customize how it's organized and could select to have all favorites placed together horizontally like the old UI style, then that alone would be a good improvement.


And also have the ability to set your own custom ordering for the favorites so that you can more quickly select which game you want to open.

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As many posters before me have already pointed out, the new header navigation is not an improvement. The little X is annoying, and I would prefer to have my favourite games listed as before. Overall, the old header navigation was much clearer and visually more appealing. Besides that, it was more intuitive to navigate. I can't understand why developers always think they must improve something that doesn't need improving. In my view, it makes little sense to implement changes that have a major impact on habits without first seeking the opinion of the people it affects. Apart from that, you save yourself a lot of work if you don't have to withdraw such changes because most customers reject them

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Regarding the favourite games menu, I agree that the large tiles looked nice, but it meant that we were limited to having 12 favourites. The UI also caused problems at smaller screen sizes, hiding 2 games behind a carousel which required you to scroll to view them. The new view means we can double the amount of games favourited and it scales better across all screen sizes. We can also show more of the game name and columns are easier to scan than horizontal rows (tradeoff being the smaller image). I appreciate that this is a big visual change which will take a while to get used to.

In my opinion this is not a valid argument. Show me one person who plays 24 mod able games at the same time. In all the years that I've been registered here, I didn't get the 12 favourites filled once. Games that can be modded are not usually played on a mobile phone or tablet, but on a PC. It is therefore completely irrelevant whether it scales better across all screen sizes. To me, the whole argument so far sounds like an eat-or-die mentality. 

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There's already been several people who have commented about how things look with lower screen resolutions and increased font sizes.  It's not just about phones.

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I'm guessing whoever you tested with were Reddit users and that's why the "x" made sense to them.  To me it was meaningless because there was no indication of a filter or a way to change the filter.

If you want to indicate a filter I highly recommend using the word filter somewhere.

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4 hours ago, mfPixel said:


I’ll re-iterate the rationale I posted earlier in a thread about the close “x” button I understand that it seems unnecessary for you and others who are used to browsing the site and understand this pattern. But for people who don't realise that clicking into a game will suddenly filter all content through it, the 'x' indicates that a temporary filter has been applied and can be dismissed (similar to how reddit show search is being filtered). It's easy to forget that some people don't realise this has happened and when they do, don't know that clicking the logo to go home dismisses it. Functionally, the navigation behaves as it did before, but this tweak made it clearer to understand with the people we tested with.

An improvement we're exploring would be that when you click the "x",  we keep you on the page you're viewing and remove the filter rather than navigate you back to the home page. There are some technical challenges around doing this that we're working through. 


If you reiterate the reddit example, why not actually do it exactly like reddit then?
That way, new users will never mistake the fact that they have a game specific search filter that they can remove using the "X" and game filter and game specific search are in one place instead of 2 different sides of the screen.


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5 hours ago, mfPixel said:

...this tweak made it clearer to understand with the people we tested with.

And now you are testing it with other people - namely your existing long-term users. And you are hearing other opinions which are being dismissed because "people you tested with" liked it better the other way. 😞

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17 hours ago, mfPixel said:

Thanks for all the feedback everyone. 

Regarding the favourite games menu, I agree that the large tiles looked nice, but it meant that we were limited to having 12 favourites. The UI also caused problems at smaller screen sizes, hiding 2 games behind a carousel which required you to scroll to view them. The new view means we can double the amount of games favourited and it scales better across all screen sizes. We can also show more of the game name and columns are easier to scan than horizontal rows (tradeoff being the smaller image). I appreciate that this is a big visual change which will take a while to get used to.

I’ll re-iterate the rationale I posted earlier in a thread about the close “x” button I understand that it seems unnecessary for you and others who are used to browsing the site and understand this pattern. But for people who don't realise that clicking into a game will suddenly filter all content through it, the 'x' indicates that a temporary filter has been applied and can be dismissed (similar to how reddit show search is being filtered). It's easy to forget that some people don't realise this has happened and when they do, don't know that clicking the logo to go home dismisses it. Functionally, the navigation behaves as it did before, but this tweak made it clearer to understand with the people we tested with.

An improvement we're exploring would be that when you click the "x",  we keep you on the page you're viewing and remove the filter rather than navigate you back to the home page. There are some technical challenges around doing this that we're working through. 

That’s all well and good but you ignored my question, how do you know people are gonna understand this is what the X is now for? Who was tested for this because nobody I know would think the way you want them to without being told that’s actually what the X does especially as another has now shown it and the search bar is on 2 ends of the site so any other standardized way of it’s meaning isn’t even there

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Posted (edited)
21 hours ago, mfPixel said:

Thanks for all the feedback everyone. 

Regarding the favourite games menu, I agree that the large tiles looked nice, but it meant that we were limited to having 12 favourites. The UI also caused problems at smaller screen sizes, hiding 2 games behind a carousel which required you to scroll to view them.

Oh no? I don't see how this was a problem that needed fixing, or screwing up depending how you look at it. Are there REALLY thatmany people that NEEDED to havemore than 12 favorites a click away? By small screens you mean smartphones. stop trying to sugarcoat it.


Also, who are these "people" you tested things with? I'm going to assume they are people who work for the site. Byt that logic, their views are biased right from teh get go. I'm also assuming these phantom people even gave feedback and didn't just nod yes or send a form reply in an email.

Edited by TheTraveler12
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