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It is lonely in the Off Topic thread Forum Games.


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I am practically the Only Active player in Forum Games today.  It has been 23 hours since any one else has posted in Forum Games.


Maybe I am a little spooked, or the other players posting there have all gone Out to LUNCH or GONE FISHING?

I'll wave if I see any of them as I am passing by while I am Surfing the Internet Elsewhere.

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Guest deleted156886133

Oh no. I've definitely not gone fishing. But you're not far off the mark by assuming something has gone afoul. At least with me it has. I've been dealing with bad neighbor of mine for the past couple of weeks and it came to a head with a verbal confrontation which nearly became physical several days ago outside my apartment, in the hallway. I won't go into details but he was subsequently evicted on Tuesday due to his bad behavior from the day he moved in and a constant string of complaints from me.

But wait... there's MORE! Following his eviction, someone threw an aluminum water bottle through my window at 3:30 am, yesterday morning. I'm alleging that it was my bad neighbor but can't say for certain until after the 4th when property management reviews the exterior security footage. So, I spent the entire day cleaning up glass, getting my window replaced, moving about furniture, etc. And now, I still have to worry about seeing this fool on the street.

I also took the opportunity to blow out some of the dust from inside my computer and discovered that the rear-mounted fan was loose. It's originally mounted with 4 unique little rubber fastener thingies and 3 of them had either worked loose or come out entirely. These things are pressed together from both sides, interior and exterior, so I wasn't quite sure how to replace them. One of the pieces was totally trashed, in fact. My computer sat for about three hours until I came up with a solution... Zip-Ties! They're non-conductive and hold the fan tightly. Quite brilliant on my part if I do say so. I'm smirking smugly right now.

Here's a zip-tie pro tech tip: If you're ever unsure of which color zip-tie to use, always bet on black. Due to the differing chemical compositions of each one, the white/translucent ones will become brittle and need to be replaced long before the black ones. And unless you have good reason for a multi-colored zip-tie application, don't bother with the yellows, oranges, greens, pinks, whatever. Because whenever someone sees your zip-tie application, they'll think you're either tacky or stupid... or both!

I had to use the white/translucent zip-ties because my black ones were too wide, by the way.

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Whike I'm just taking a break.  Been up to other things lately, but I should get back to the forum games again soon.

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Like @AaronOfMpls life stuff has intervened.  I've been shifting wood. I don't mean little logs. I mean great big circles of an ash tree we had taken down  because it was dangerous and in its final years. It's all very heavy. Sometimes we can lift it between us and sometimes we roll it... that's very exciting... I suspect we shouldn't be doing that at our age... We're probably very fit and no one in their right mind should arm wrestle either of us... 

Anyway, when I crawl back into the house in a soggy heap after strimming for an hour or so too, I make lunch and then disappear into Planescape: Torment I, which is extremely odd and getting odder by the minute...  


@UsernameWithA9 That's really horrid. I hope the neighbour rediscovers some sense, some decorum and some decency. 


18 hours ago, UsernameWithA9 said:

don't bother with the yellows, oranges, greens, pinks, whatever. Because whenever someone sees your zip-tie application, they'll think you're either tacky or stupid... or both!

rofl. I wouldn't be able to resist the bright colours and thus that will speak zillions about me... 🤣 Tacky and stupid... see above...

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Glad to see your posts.  I get a hair concerned long disconnects between friends occurrs.

VisseNekku5746 passed away.  I knew him from our chats here about Fallout 3 and enjoyed his comic strips. 

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I am sad to know you have had a neighbor who gave you grief UsernameWithA9.

The sky is cloudy again today.  I haven't been able to get help with my chores since I became ill.  Birds have brought seeds from all around and the open ground around my little house looks like part of the national forest 100 miles away  has moved in.  My little lot with it's little buildings are filled with meadow grass, Hop plants in front, Bamboo trees on the south side, a pine tree, with choke cherry bushes growing under it, the back small area where the BBQ cooker stood and lawn used to be is full of Bamboo, two lilac bushes, more meadow grass. 

Instead of causing my neighbors trouble I searched for the history about the building and found out the part that was turned into a house was the lobby to an old hotel built back in the late 1700s.  People paid up to $15,000.00 Gold to get from St. Louis by Keel Boats until the mid 1800s.  In 1850 the year after the famous California Gold Rush in the first Steam paddle wheel boat arrived with a the ships pilot named Samuel Clemens.   There was not much more than a hotel/barn/saloon.  The Wells Fargo Riders delivering the mail on horseback stopped to get a fresh horse here, while the civilian travelers spent the night here after a stage coach ride from Ft Benton because the Missouri River was unnavigable from Ft Benton to the place, not yet named, as the hotel, ice house, barn, saloon, and squatters tents were all that was here until around 1840.

Years later a city grew out of the sandbar across the river.  They built a wood hotel and later added an Opera house where the Pilot Samuel Clemens frequented, as Mark Twain.

If my neighbors thought anything it should have been about my work gathering history about the decaying township the remains of this old hotel lobby gave me enough interest in finding out all I could about this defunct smelter town.   

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Guest deleted156886133
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, zixi said:

I hope the neighbour rediscovers some sense, some decorum and some decency.

Him? What about me rediscovering some sanity and peace? Fock that guy, quite frankly. He was unreasonably disrespectful to me, staff, other tenants and needs to be humbled. I hope Karma shows him just how much of a female dog she can be. In order to rediscover something, one must have had it in the first place. This guy's young, mid to late 30's, and judging by his general demeanor and mannerisms, he's been him for a very long time. I'm pretty good at reading folks and remember the night he moved in. I knew without even speaking to him that he was going to be a problem. Not necessarily to me but in general. I will be somewhat fair and give him the benefit of the doubt because he was intoxicated during at least one of our interactions. I know because we were in each other's faces so I could smell his awful beer breath. But anyone who knows anything about alcohol intoxication will tell you that alcohol brings your true self to the surface. When you drink, your mask falls off. That whole loss of inhibitions thing.


I wouldn't be able to resist the bright colours and thus that will speak zillions about me... Tacky and stupid.

Nah. I wouldn't call you that. But I would point and laugh.

Edited by UsernameWithA9
Had to say 'female dog' instead of a... well, you know. God I abhor censorship. It really takes the punch out of everyday speech.
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3 hours ago, Pagafyr said:

VisseNekku5746 passed away.  I knew him from our chats here about Fallout 3 and enjoyed his comic strips. 

Oh no, I sent him a message only a couple of weeks ago to let him know I was glad he was still with us. How did you find out, @Pagafyr? 😞

Edit: Just seen the message on his page. How very sad. He was a lovely character. How he spoke and his attitude towards his illness was an inspiration.

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Guest deleted156886133

@Pagafyr Your sentiments have been noted. Thanks, I appreciate it.

As for your house, I'm both envious and intrigued. Envious because I'm assuming you don't have crackheads, meth addicts and homeless freaks roaming the streets outside. Yeah, I live in a crappy part of the city, to put it lightly. My building is actually not an apartment building but a historic hotel built in 1906 that's also rich in history. It was once taken over by gang members/drug dealers and was recently converted to provide SRO --Single Room Occupancy-- housing to military veterans. That's the short version. So about one half of the rooms are allocated for permanent housing, which is where I am, and the other half is for transitional housing. My now evicted neighbor was in the latter, a transitional tenant. That's the only bright side to that whole thing because if he had been a permanent resident, it would have been much more difficult to evict. 

I'm intrigued because of the mention of Samuel Clemmons. What a privilege it would have been to hear him speak at that opera house. There's two people from that time era I admire and Samuel Clemmons is one of them. Damn, that guy could tell a story. Robert G. Ingersoll is the other. 

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11 hours ago, Dark0ne said:

How he spoke and his attitude towards his illness was an inspiration.

I hate cancer with a vengeance. It's cruel. It can grow so slowly, so insidiously and then as you find out that you've got it; it's often too late. It calls on courage that perhaps none of us should be forced to have. It delivers up dignity that perhaps we're not supposed to deliver. And it can take people way too young. It isn't fair. 

@Pagafyr - He had definitely found a place for his fate and he knew what the score was. Mourn the loss of him but he'd made a kind of peace with his fate. If there's some way to respect that then that has to be done. And enjoy the legacy; the wonderful art he left behind for people to enjoy. The best art changes when you look at it anew... you see things that you didn't see before so it doesn't ever wain or fade but always delivers something for you.

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