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Vortex update 1.12.0 borked all my LOOT metadata!

Go to solution Solved by Nagev,

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lol.  It is not a matter of "Take a Deep Breath" friend.  The thread had been closed on Wednesday as "solved" -  I am just insuring visibility.  As for being "cosmetic", that is not true:  If I attempt to add a new mod at this time, I cannot run a LOOT sort to see how it is interacting with my current Mods, as half of them have no Metadata references.  This presents a problem.  I do very much appreciate your very helpful insight and commentary here though.  

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First, use the "flags" column to filter by "LOOT messages".

Second, click on the "Group" column header to sort by LOOT group.

Third double click on any of the plugins to open the side panel.

Fourth, select the first plugin with this error message showing (should have "default" as the group), then shift-click the last one with the message to select all between those two (you should only have plugins with "default" or "default" selected.)

The side panel should now have only the "group" dropdown menu showing.  Select "default" as the option.

Fifth double click any plugin again to close the side panel.

Sixth, hit the "sort now" button.  All those messages should disappear.


Note that those messages being there should never have had any effect on you using the "sort now" button to begin with.  This process simply removes the blue banner message from the plugins, it doesn't change any information.  Also note that those plugins never had any metadata to begin with...it just wasn't a visible thing before now.

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On 8/10/2024 at 6:48 PM, ChemBoy1 said:

@BarbarossaKain - Take a deep breath. Everything will be fine. This is not really an issue. It is purely a cosmetic change. Your mods will still work. The Nexus Mods staff do not work on Friday-Sunday. They will be back on Monday.

Sorry, but no it is not a "cosmetic change", it is a usability issue. With large modlists you want to pay attention to LOOT messages. This "cosmetic change" makes that virtually impossible, as the important messages get drowned in a deluge of hundreds of useless and unimportant "No LOOT Metadata..." messages. If it's considered a good idea to show those, fine, but please give me an option to disable them. (A simple one, expecting me to manually assign well over 1400 mods to a category, one by one, is not a feasible solution.)

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I posted this exact same issue 7/20.

edit: just installed  the new beta v1.12.1 and still get the annoying message.

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11 hours ago, Cederien said:

please give me an option to disable them. (A simple one, expecting me to manually assign well over 1400 mods to a category, one by one, is not a feasible solution.)

You don't have to do it one by one.  You can select all the affected mods and fix them all in one go.

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Flags by LOOT messages in latest Vortex release now limits down to just messages that exclude the annoying message.

Also thanks to @showler for the step by step on how to regroup plugins,

I think others were making the mistake I was making by looking (without the side panel open) for the quick operations to appear in the bottom bar.


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I just installed the latest update, and this problem still persists.  While I appreciate the several commenters who have offered smart solutions for disabling the annoying message, I am disappointed that the Devs and/or QA team have not addressed this issue as of this latest release.  An official communication would be appropriate, detailing a timeline for the issue to be addressed.  

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