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Should have differentiate between textures and meshes conflicts, don't just add mod conflicts to mod cycle conflicts


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I've already put this on suggestions. But I want to add it here so it could have more exposure. Let's say there three or more mod conflicts, in this case four mod conflicts, Mod A's (Markarth Fixed AF) meshes conflict with Mod B's (LUX main) meshes, Mod A overwrite Mod B, Mod B's meshes conflict with Mod C's (Rugnarok) meshes, Mod B overwrite Mod C, Mod C's TEXTURES conflict with Mod D's (Bendr-Skurkbro's) TEXTURES, Mod C overwrite Mod D, Mod D's TEXTURES conflict with Mod A's TEXTURES not meshes, Mod D overwrite Mod A TEXTURES. See, vortex thought there was a cycle between these mods (because it used a simple logic), which means A>B>C>D>A, but actually there is no cycle because Mod D only overwrite Mod A TEXTURES not the meshes. I don't know why it did this, am I only the one who experienced this?

I love vortex but as much as I love it, this thing wouldn't have happened in MO2, that's why MO2 is one step ahead from vortex.

Screenshot 2024-10-04 135222.png

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Go into the conflicts page and switch to the per-file overrides.  Make all the textures favor the one you want and the meshes favor the ones you want.

You'll also find what files are causing the cyclic rules because you wouldn't be getting it unless there was at least one file that was not set up correctly.

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there aren't anything that will cause a cycle, I want Markarth Fixed AF meshes to overwrite LUX, and I want Bendr-Skurkbro's to TEXTURES to overwrite Markarth Fixed AF TEXTURES. See the screenshot, there aren't any meshes conflicting between  Bendr-Skurkbro's and Markarth Fixed AF

Screenshot 2024-10-04 145250.png

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here's the link for more conflicts screenshots


as you can see from the screenshots, both the meshes and textures have no cycle or something like that, it's happened because vortex is using simple logic like A>B>C>D>A instead of checking which files are conflicting.

edit: forgot this screenshot

Screenshot 2024-10-04 150854.png

Edited by TheNightEdge
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Use per file conflict resolution (same function as MO2)  One for textures.  One for meshes.  The screen looks like this: 1265-1583410556.jpg

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Yeah, this seems the only solution for now. I know about "manage file conflicts" but it reset everytime you reinstall the mod, also I'm really pissed that vortex uses a simple logic like A>B>C>D>A without even considering what files that have conflict.

Edited by TheNightEdge
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