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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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6 hours ago, llihP said:

A few CSS changes with a lot of superfluous elements (double ups) removed:


Same monitor, same resolution, I can see more of what already existed (I added back the 5th tile under the main 2) and new / updated content are in view.

I have an idea, if Nexus is so inclined to have both hot (ahem, trending) mods and collections as big clunky tiles at the top of the new game page, why not make the first 2 giant mod tiles the same size as the other 5 (I mean 4) and put them in one line across the screen width, you've got 1920px generally after all, then stuff the next row with more than those two collections, because there can clearly fit more than 2 (unless your only priority is good looks on phones that is).

6 hours ago, Iluviel said:

If all you care about is mods, have you considered just going straight to the mods list? https://www.nexusmods.com/games/kingdomcomedeliverance2/mods

's not as cozy as the old game page.

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52 minutes ago, Revenge096 said:




no zoom-in or any plug-ins that could modify the look of the site as far as I'm aware.

To he honest I'm suspecting it's because I'm on Windows 7 which is using an older Chrome version which is not receiving updates anymore. I don't have any other browser installed to confirm this and probably I won't bother to do so. I'm not expecting you're going to support older stuff anyways, so I'll probably get used to it, till I update or buy new PC.

Out of curiosity I grabbed my phone, went to Nexus using android's Chrome and turned on desktop mode and it does in fact displays only 4 per row, so there's that I guess.

Regardless, thank you for your interest in this and for getting back to me about this.


Hi Revenge096,

Thanks for these additional details and the time taken to investigate.

Windows 7 users account for 0.2% of our userbase. Have you considered updating your browser version, even on an older PC it should be possible to update fairly painlessly.

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7 minutes ago, Isguros said:

Hi Revenge096,

Just use your mobile phone, they don't care about PC users at all.

Your assertion that we do not care about PC users is not factual. I believe that I responded earlier in this forum post on the topic (see below). Please refrain from posts like this, it is not helpful for new users joining the thread.

On 3/18/2025 at 1:54 PM, Iluviel said:

40% of our users browse Nexus Mods on a mobile device, you're not the only user we are catering for. Whilst we always keep desktop users our focus (as modding happens on a desktop), we have to cater for everyone.

We're also an old website, with a really wide range of users across all demographics. Not everyone can cope with small, concise and densely packed information. Some users need content well spaced and easily readable. The new design accommodates everyone, regardless of your needs.

Please try to keep your feedback polite, swearing (even obfuscated) isn't pleasant or polite.

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I think Nexus asking for feedback is interpreted by some users who dislike the change as an invitation to participate in recreating it. But really, feedback is more a request for input to help troubleshoot, not change, a newly designed website that was in beta.

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I admit, it's not that they do not care about PC users. They just tell them that 40% of the users browse on mobile and that's the reason why things look and work like crap now.

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I think the "Popular Collections" section could use some more thought. If I understood it correctly, it currently works by showing the two collections that have the most all time endorsements. At least on Skyrim SE this results in an extremely static display that in all likelihood will show the same two collections from now to eternity. Imagine if the Hot Mods section used the same logic. Having a quarter of the initially visible front page dedicated to always featuring the same two collections seems like a huge waste to users who visit the site daily. I would suggest either somehow changing the section to feature a more varied selection of collections or give it less prominence on the front page. There's a reason the default selection in the mods section is "New" and not "Popular".

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Where did this trend come from that everything has to be changed and "updated"? Everything worked faultlessly and it actually looked good. Now it's just some ugly slob. Please revert this downgrade or at least give us a toggle so we can choose ourselves how we want the site to look instead of forcing this unneccessary decision upon us.

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25 minutes ago, Isguros said:

I admit, it's not that they do not care about PC users. They just tell them that 40% of the users browse on mobile and that's the reason why things look and work like crap now.

Assuming this is true, I don't think that people mod their skyrim on their phone unless I missed the android release of the game. (Even now, browsing on mobile is just an endless scroll down).

So people who browse on mobile download their mod on their phone then trasnfer it to their computer ? Just why ? Why inflict this burden on yourself by taking unnecessary steps.

And why not just separate mobile and desktop visauls like many websites already do instead of just pushing whatever that is to everyone on desktop ? (This is a genuine question tho)

When the new UI was on beta I never had anything to tell me to try the new look so I could look at it and voice my objections. And even then why not pushing all the upgrades BEFORE imposing the change to everyone ? (Another genuine question)

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