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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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Is there any way to roll back this horrible design to the old(normal) one? I understand the developers like to be humiliated, because I don't see any reason to make such a horrible design that everyone will insult them for.

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3 minutes ago, Steel9Dragon said:

дайте нам переключатель, чтобы мы могли сами выбирать, как должен выглядеть сайт, вместо того, чтобы навязывать нам это ненужное решение.

I support the proposal
Give us the choice to do what we want to see. Old or new design.
I don't want to look at this. No information, and even the titles are cut off.


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Everything about this is just "bad".

  • Overly clunky interface.
  • Using Shadow-Root which prevents people from trying to fix the search (visually) themselves.
  • Having the search take up a giant window for really no reason.
  • No way to disable the keyboard shortcuts.
  • Closing any feedback on the actual feedback website.
  • The "our testers liked it so it must be good" is a really bad approach.
    • So the people who willingly opted in claimed it was good.
    • You're ignoring anyone who opted in, didn't like it, then opted back out.
    • You're ignoring the countless people who really hate this change.
      • It also isn't hating change for the sake of it being different. It's hating it as it is just really badly designed.
  • It's slow to load.
  • It's much slower to really do just about anything.
  • It takes up too much of the screen and has less to offer the end-user.


Edited by UX99
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Just give us the old UI back, better yet - make it opt-in if you still want to torment users with the catastrophically bad new UI from the get-go, and at the end of the month see how many users prefer the old design compared to what you've created.

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1 hour ago, Iluviel said:

Thanks for the clarification. Would you be able to expand on what isn't smooth or what feels jumpy/laggy?

A video capture would be ideal, but I appreciate that may be asking a lot. Would be able to share more details on your setup so we can reproduce this problem? What browser are you using? Do you have extensions installed? What page are you specifically seeing this on? What elements of the page are not performant?

I do actually have video capture comparing how the old and new layouts run, but the file limit for forum posts is too small to upload it. I'm on firefox, with a typical uBlock + Ghostery setup of extensions for adblock (along with a handful of other misc. plugins that shouldn't be relevant) and none of these have ever seemed to have an affect on how well pages run before. It seems to be an issue on virtually every page using the new layout (Game homepage, the search box/search results page, and the larger "mods" pages (ie https://www.nexusmods.com/games/skyrimspecialedition/mods) are where I've personally experienced it).

Basically, scrolling up and down the pages is very jumpy. Instead of scrolling the wheel and the page moving smoothly, it is slow to start moving and then moves at a noticably low framerate. This "lag" as it were also applies to opening/closing the search box. Pages load perfectly fine, the only noticable drop in speed when it comes to pages opening is that mods take slightly longer than they used to to appear on the search result page, but it's fairly minor.

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This is so bad for discovering new mods, i suspect they are planning to bring paid positioning or something like that. There is no other reason to have to scroll so much in order to get to newest mods. Please revert these changes.

Edited by jmd2015
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5 hours ago, Iluviel said:

We're discussing internally whether https://www.nexusmods.com/mods/trackingcentre is a better home for it. If we can, we'll move it there soon. I need to pull some developers in to look at it.

One Moment.....sometimes I'm a little slow ...Are You saying you're going to take away "https://www.nexusmods.com/GAMENAME/mods/trackingcentre ? And you are only discussing IF your 're putting in a replacement. And from what i can see https://www.nexusmods.com/mods/trackingcentre is not a better home. Everytime I need to put in the game name in the "filter" for what i want to see if some of my tracked mods have gotten an update. The game specific tracking centre as it is implemented right now (talking about the old design) is most vital part for me, which I'm using the most. Sometimes more than the new mods part. And since I'm not using collections I don't have somebody who's telling me "Hey there's an Update of the collection. I'll do this myself and it's part of the experience. I'm running Skyrim SE with rouhgly 1700 mods with roughly 1300 plugins and i NEED a tracking centre, or I'm lost....it get's worse and worse and worse ......

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I think this warrants a thing where everyone can vote or voice what they prefer that's advertised on the site somewhere. 


Also why would you force a less functional version and promise to fix or add back things that were present and not broken on the old one. Should've released it when it was on par at least.

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3 hours ago, HadToRegister said:

All I'd like to see is the quick search return to the old style, where I could stay on the game page, and just use the drop-down search results to quickly right-click to queue up the pages by using “Open in new tab”.


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Just now, NiteFromWindhelm said:

I think this warrants a thing where everyone can vote or voice what they prefer that's advertised on the site somewhere. 

Also why would you force a less functional version and promise to fix or add back things that were present and not broken on the old one. Should've released it when it was on par at least.

Yes, maybe they could put a big banner across the top of the page saying "try out the new beta and give us your opinion before we go live with it" for a month or two?

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