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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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New design is really unpleasant. "new" used to be split between today vs this week.
Popular was split between last 30 days and all time.
Tracked updates is gone. Recently updated mods is gone.
Doesn't use the actual width of the window, instead leaving tons of wasted space on the left and right.
the trending preview is enlarged to my whole screen despite showing the same number of mods, collections appearing below that rather than being relegated to the collections page.
The mod previews are much larger previously having 2 full rows of 5 mods, now showing almost 2 rows of only 4 mods so I have to scroll more.
The view all listing has the filter options on the left side so I have to scroll down the entire page to use them, when it was previously all together at the top and not in the way at all.
The mod previews on this page are also significantly larger making me spend more time scrolling and less time looking at the mods.
Even hiding the aforementioned filter options to use extra screen space still has absolutely massive mod previews. FFS I am not that blind.
I have to shrink my screen to 67% to get the same size cards as was before, but doing that also increases the wasted space on the sides of the screen, so fewer mods are shown as compared to before the UI change despite being smaller on screen.
Note: I am an ad free lifetime premium user, so you aren't getting any ad revenue from me.
If the new UI must remain, at least give users the option to toggle the old UI in the settings.

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7 minutes ago, Vylmort said:

Wow, sinds thisd afternoon.  https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods  autom,atically redirects to https://www.nexusmods.com/games/fallout4/mods instead of listening to complains they just ruin the experience and enforce everyone to use their failed layout .

Not surprising in the slightest to be honest 😄 why would you ever want to give your users a choice in the matter?

I'm not in any capacity against redesigning U.I and layout for any reason, change can be a good thing, and it's a tale as old as time for users to be uncomfortable with changes they are not immediately familiar with. But the site redirect and the lack of an option to use the previous site layout is very toxic, it looks nice but it is much less compact, much more performance heavy. And the lack of user choice in the matter reeks of ego; Is it really so hard to have a 'Use old layout' in the 'Site Preferences' window? I suppose so.

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4 minutes ago, Superdeathblade said:

What is the point of having a feedback page, if you decline everything before people get the chance to upvote it ?😕

So that you can use those lack of votes to convince people they're the ones in the wrong.

On 3/18/2025 at 2:50 PM, Iluviel said:

There's a feedback post here on this specific suggestion, but it only has 19 upvotes so we're not likely to knee-jerk and change this.

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