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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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I really miss the density of the tiles. I want my screen to show me the thumbnail, the title, and a bit of the description. Downloads and endorsements too in the little icons below. And then go on to the next one. I don't believe it's rocket science. When I check the front page, I want to see a good amount of trending mods. Front and center. Like 8 of them. Nice tiles, kinda like how it used to be. When there are two big ones and three small ones, it FEELS like there aren't a lot of mods.


With the search, having it so it makes a list of the things you're searching for was great. Why is it full screen? I do not want to have to search for all of the other s#*! and sift through different categories to see what I want.


Stop showing me collections. Please, just stop. There should be a separate area altogether for them like how they used to be. I consider modding a deeply personal project, which is added upon in waves of motivation. Please let us have personal "views" to toggle these categories on and off. Christ.


Probably going to rescind my Premium until my suggestions are taken into account.

- No full screen search. If I want to browse, then a full screen is cool. I want to find a mod QUICK. Show me the MODS.

- Front page makes it feel like there are no mods. Like at all. Going from high density (6 - 8 "trending" mods in that slideshow view) front page to 2 big tiles and three small tiles and a whole bunch of unrelated s#*! below sucks and it feels like there are less mods. Having to go and manually set the filter for 30 days when there used to be a button for top monthly mods is annoying.

- Please let us customize our views. I do not want to look at pictures. I do not want to look at videos. I do not want to EVEN TOUCH collections with a ten foot pole. This is a mod delivery system, not a huge community. Stop branching out in that direction, ugh.


If this keeps up then other competitors are going to surge in popularity. :(

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It is already foreseeable what will happen: They sit it out and then go back to business as usual. They have no interest in feedback because of their our site our rules behavior. This always happend, when they changed something the last 5 years. Since there is no real competition in the market, they can do whatever they want and don't have to fear any consequences. They know that there are hardly any alternatives worth mentioning for us. It is pointless to continue giving feedback here, it won't change anything and won't reach anyone except the critics.

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4 minutes ago, zloybelka said:

That's because the new design is aimed at mobile devices, which entails using more rounded fonts, higher corner radius on buttons etc 🙃 Also, w i d e r  le t t e r  sp a c i n g.

On paper that is plausible but looking at the actual metrics the mobile design is worse then desktop at the moment if we are talking industry standards.
So if that is there intention the are not doing themselves a favour with the current design. 

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Just now, WileCoyote68 said:

It is already foreseeable what will happen: They sit it out and then go back to business as usual. They have no interest in feedback because of their our site our rules behavior. This always happend, when they changed something the last 5 years. Since there is no real competition in the market, they can do whatever they want and don't have to fear any consequences. They know that there are hardly any alternatives worth mentioning for us. It is pointless to continue giving feedback here, it won't change anything and won't reach anyone except the critics.

Pointless? Yes. However, if we stop that'll boost their ego's and I cannot have that. Especially Iluviel's.

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I'm not sure Nexus regards its user as "customers".  Just like mod authors don't regard gamers using their mods as "customers."  

I believe Nexus income is generated through ads, not user paid service. Premium memberships helps to support mod authors (over $11 million).  Premium members are paying for uncapping their download speeds, no ads, additional messaging space, and support to MA's mostly.  Not the right to run the Nexus website. 😏

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First time posting here. I'm not really someone who likes leaving negative feedback, but since there's no way to go back to the old UI...

I actually like the aesthetics of the new UI, it's modern and cool. But my issue is that the UX is a massive downgrade from before. Everything is too big and spaced out. It feels like it's designed for mobile except I'm only ever going to be modding games on a desktop PC. I want small thumbnails and small text that I can click on with the tiny cursor that a computer has.

That said, my biggest gripe is not actually with the new UI itself, but the lack of choice. Wikipedia lets you use any design from the site's history. Reddit lets you use old.reddit.com. It's not just that I do not understand how it's impossible for this site to offer the same option, but that the decision not to support such feature doesn't even feel congruent with the type of site this is. This is not a social media site, it's a site for modding video games; yet it can not possibly give you any choice whatsoever on how you want things to look?

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15 minutes ago, WndMll said:

Pointless? Yes. However, if we stop that'll boost their ego's and I cannot have that. Especially Iluviel's.

I don't fight wars that I can't win. Employees' egos are already so big that they are no longer receptive to any kind of criticism.

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9 minutes ago, NexBeth said:

I'm not sure Nexus regards its user as "customers".  Just like mod authors don't regard gamers using their mods as "customers."  

I believe Nexus income is generated through ads, not user paid service. Premium memberships helps to support mod authors (over $11 million).  Premium members are paying for uncapping their download speeds, no ads, additional messaging space, and support to MA's mostly.  Not the right to run the Nexus website. 😏

I'd like to know where my uncapped download speeds went. I got lifetime premium back when that was a thing and I only get max 3 MB/s on Nexus anymore, have for years, no matter which server I choose... which IIRC is the supporter max-speed. I regularly get anywhere from 20-40 MB/s from Steam.

That's the only reason I got Premium - I already used an adblocker and I don't (personally) use messaging because Nexus isn't a social media site - so my only benefit doesn't exist.

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