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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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1 minute ago, jmharris said:

There certainly are some negative (and rude!) reactions to it, but feedback over all channels has not been negative overall. I know we can all place our own weight on which channels of communication are more important, and I know some people will flat out not believe me- but it actually is the case.

Of course that doesn't mean we aren't going to be improving things where needed. 😀

Defending brand image it is.

It's been negative overall. The Reddit is on fire, this forum is on fire, the discord has had so many people over the past few days joining just to say that the redesign is bad. 

There is no mental gymnastics you can do to make it seem like it hasn't been negative overall.

Overwhelmingly Negative, in red text, one might say.

Say I don't believe you all you want but I can count and even from glancing there's far more negativity than positivity.

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16 minutes ago, DefenestratedKoala said:

Cool. Thank you for addressing this. My general expectation was to have something like the old "latest" page which would show the latest released/brand new mods in order of the newness of the actual mod page itself.

I could be wrong about it being a search index sync issue by the way, just shooting from the hip. At the very least it's a problem perceived with the discrepancy between having sorted by a certain date property, and then seeing 'x days ago' results in a non linear order right?

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I have to feel for the staff, especially those who respond out-of-office hours, that only has the power to forward feedback. I have been frustrated over a year, knew this was coming and even bowed out of Nexus, back just because I was PM'd about this post, and this is the only opportunity to provide feedback since a year ago. When this post is locked you will really know frustration. So I recommend to provide more and as much constructive and compromised based feedback; over straight up frustration and venting posts—as they may be seen as just hostility and dismissed and might get this post closed faster.

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6 minutes ago, jmharris said:

I could be wrong about it being a search index sync issue by the way, just shooting from the hip. At the very least it's a problem perceived with the discrepancy between having sorted by a certain date property, and then seeing 'x days ago' results in a non linear order right?

Sort of. I choose "all time", "date published", and "desc" for the sort options. Nothing about a date range. Expected results would be a linear order (eg. 1 hour ago, 2 hours ago, 12 hours ago, 1 day ago, etc.). The non-linearness of it is especially confusing as some of the mods I'm seeing early on in the results are ones that I know for a fact are older as I have already downloaded them and they have no new uploaded files available on their pages at this moment. Meanwhile, brand new published mods are somehow ending up lower in the list.

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Just now, HollownessDevoured said:

I have to feel for the staff, especially those who respond out-of-office hours, that only has the power to forward feedback. I have been frustrated over a year, knew this was coming and even bowed out of Nexus, back just because I was PM'd about this post, and this is the only opportunity to provide feedback since a year ago. When this post is locked you will really know frustration. So I recommend to provide more and as much constructive and compromised based feedback; over straight up frustration and venting posts—as they may be seen as just hostility and dismissed and might get this post closed faster.

Well, I'll mention now before it is locked that I very much enjoyed bonding over a shared factual disgust of the work created by "professional UX devs" and mismanagement. 

You all now have a special place in my heart.

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2 minutes ago, WndMll said:

Well, I'll mention now before it is locked that I very much enjoyed bonding over a shared factual disgust of the work created by "professional UX devs" and mismanagement. 

You all now have a special place in my heart.

I really despise that they lock posts after they are done listening (especially when they lock new posts made about feedback after the closure), it is just reality X /

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I hate it...i really do.... it was fine the way it was...i liked how simple it was before now there like more everywhere in a bad way.... also keep in mind people using nexus likely have multiple tabs open on nexus as they test and install mods... so lower load weight the better.
maybe there some useful new features... but "dont fix it if its not broke" 


.... though I am seeing this more and more alot of mods I have found or should be able to find wont show up. not sure if mods are getting booted off, or just not showing up under keywords  so think that needs fixed more.

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I tried to use it last night, but especially on the game pages its incredibly frustrating to have huge tiles for the trending/collection sections.  Instead of promoting the mods/collections, it feels like spam I need to scroll past to actually get to the content.   I'll probably create links so I can jump straight to the /mods page to avoid trending mods/collections.

In the meantime I have found a Stylus theme to revamp the main game pages to resize the page/remove all the padding.  That is probably the opposite of what NexusMods wants, but its worth saying here (if this won't get removed) as its a sign of how unusable the 'overhaul' is for me.

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