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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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44 minutes ago, hmmnorah said:

Count me as one more person that hates the new UI. Why does a 1080p window only show four mod listings now. Why does a 1440p window only show eight? This redesign is a usability decline, I feel like I'm drowning now.


That looks so annoying.

It is called a "dark pattern".

Show some of the upcoming content, but cut it off half-way mildly agitating the user to keep scrolling.

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47 minutes ago, Emil8000 said:

 Please back up your claim of "not negative overall" with tangible statistics that will also get torn to shreds.

Here's a tangible statistic.  A few hundred people are complaining in this thread.  Out of more than 100,000 daily visitors.  Most people haven't given either positive or negative feedback.

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4 minutes ago, showler said:

Here's a tangible statistic.  A few hundred people are complaining in this thread.  Out of more than 100,000 daily visitors.  Most people haven't given either positive or negative feedback.

And there's the first problem, you can't assume that people that haven't given feedback like the change. You know damn well if I had anything better to do right now I wouldn't be screaming into the void here.

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1 hour ago, jmharris said:

Please do give examples of what text you searched for, and the mods you know to exist that were not found as you expected. That helps us improve the search.

This is so frustrating. With the old quick search, for No Man's Sky, I could type in “Faster” and get a list of all the NMS mods that had “Faster” in the title.
Typing “Faster Fleet”, in Quick Search, used to net me EIGHT RESULTS.
Now I only get THREE results.

Yet another reason Quick Search, didn't NEED any “Fixing” it was working perfectly before, and spitting out the results people were actually searching for.
When people would complain that they “Can't find anything using search” on the Nexus, I would always tell them to stop using that full page search with all the checkboxes and parameters on it and just “Use the small search box up at the top by your Avatar”, and they would come back and say “Wow, that worked” I found exactly what I was searching for.”

That old quick search was the only USEFUL way to search on the Nexus, because it returned results you were actually looking for.
That huge monstrosity of a full page search would return iffy results, and it would also let you know that it DIDN'T tell you about the FIVE-DIGIT FIGURE of search results it has hidden from you because of TAGS. 
Which is why I only used it twice, and from then on relied on the old Quick Search, which NOW tells you that it has left out xx,xxx results from your search “Because tags”

It was fully functional and PERFECT as it was. 

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Just now, showler said:

Here's a tangible statistic.  A few hundred people are complaining in this thread.  Out of more than 100,000 daily visitors.  Most people haven't given either positive or negative feedback.

Not everybody uses it on the regular. Not everybody likes to be vocal on things, such as people with social anxiety may not say anything but of course still have opinions on something. The vocal majority is negative. I guarantee if a poll was done site-wide it would share the same beliefs as nearly all of us do that overall it was not a good move. 

Dragging lurkers out of the woodwork is really damn hard, there's clearly people interested in the conversation that you can see in the browsing list that don't make themselves known via words and a good portion of those lurkers have still been liking comments occasionally that bring up the bad portions of what's gone wrong with the website.

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5 minutes ago, WndMll said:

Not everybody uses it on the regular. Not everybody likes to be vocal on things, such as people with social anxiety may not say anything but of course still have opinions on something. The vocal majority is negative. I guarantee if a poll was done site-wide it would share the same beliefs as nearly all of us do that overall it was not a good move. 

Dragging lurkers out of the woodwork is really damn hard, there's clearly people interested in the conversation that you can see in the browsing list that don't make themselves known via words and a good portion of those lurkers have still been liking comments occasionally that bring up the bad portions of what's gone wrong with the website.

Don't let that guy that you're responding to, continue to troll you, it's what he does, he managed to get some mod authors banned during that whole “Collections” thread that went on a few years ago.
He continues to post things that attack people, and only instigates people with his snarky comments while delivering no opinions of his own, and he is NEVER told to "cool it down" etc, while he acts like he's staff or owns the place.
Just put him on ignore, else he baits you into getting a warning etc... he's done it before.
Notice how all his comments in this threads are SNARKY towards ANYBODY making comments HE doesn't like, while providing nothing else to the discussion?
It's what he does.

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Shrinking the webpage down demonstrates how bloated it is at 100%. 60% is a bit too small for me (I have Keratoconus), but 70% is a step in the right direction. I also removed the blurred background because I do not care for blur, my bad eyes do that already.

The card entry of each mod is way too tall. I don't want there to only be photos, but at the same time something should be done to compress how much space the text entry takes up. For example, I really don't think that the mod author and category need their own bespoke lines with an empty line of padding above and below



Edited by hmmnorah
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