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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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Another voice for the choir. The new UI is absolutely awful on a fundamental level, and no amount of small tweaking will fix it. This "tile" view takes longer to parse, conveys less information, and is frankly painful to look at. And the search is just... what were you thinking? It's gone from one of the best search features, to one of the worst I've ever seen. If I had a subscription I'd be cancelling it.

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I don't really mind the other changes, but for the love of God at least revert "All mods" and "Most Endorsed" pages along with other similar ones, they're practically unusable now. Why are the thumbnails so big, why are there so few mods per page, why is the description textbox so small that it cuts off most descriptions???

In the post you said that was changed for better showing of other post categories like Images and users, and I guess that works fine for search results, but then why the hell are these changes also applied to sections where you'll only ever see mods?? It seriously makes browsing for mods (the damn main point of the website) pretty miserable

Edited by TonyMestre
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5 hours ago, Glitchfinder said:

Not really? We already know that Nexus hired people specifically to redesign the website, so the account join dates track with what we know about the work being done.

Most of the time i nevered heard much good about such actions. Why?

Its not because those people arent talented in creating what they should do in this case, like creating a new website.

It is because, the spirit of what they should create a link for is not what there talent is about (at least most of the time).

What does this mean less cryptic? Simple ...

  • A modder would create a mod heavy website, layout, UI
  • A user would create a user friendly website, layout, UI

Now it comes down to the question are the designers also modders and or users? And it comes down to the data you compare, if many users complain about the old design and ui and website you will see it removed or changed.

I assume less modders complaine(d)?

This site is about modding and something special. I really hope that the designs gather more data in terms of what can be improved to make a modders work more convenient. I couldnt see much over the last month which would help me.

I still cant ultimately delete my mods or store them in a "hidden" tab, i still cannot see unpublished mods without using the pseudo old UI and i also still cant create collections without using vortex.

Another week still shows me more loading times, more weird find and click and scroll scenarios which overall is getting me tired. But the overall cleaner look wasnt so bad already.

If your stuck just use the old site layout and search for some mods and do it for several hours, to get used to the old UI. Then play around with the new UI. You will see there is many weird "mechanics" doomed to the new layout/UI.

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4 hours ago, UX99 said:

You do realize that relying on tooltips for that kind of information when it comes to viewing a lot of information at once is bad... right?
It's easier for people to read from multiple areas at once when it's displayed properly instead of having to move their cursor to each individual thing.

This is just another example of how poorly thought out this change was.
It's all "style" (and a pretty bad one at that) over substance.
Vague "x months ago" or "x years ago" instead of the actual date only leads to a worse experience.

Pointed this out a year ago, guess it didn't sound convincing enough then and won't now (because the date wasn't entirely eliminated or so they said).

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On 3/23/2025 at 6:41 AM, pilonexyz said:

Also if mod title can be restricted to 1 row of text no matter how long is it would be perfect.

The problem with restricting the mod titles within a grid tile to one line is that the majority of mods have longer titles than that, so a lot of information is lost. Ellipses aren't a good solution because some might have names like: Super Special Fighter Armor - SPID where the last part gets cut off.

Unlike on a mod page, where I changed to a condensed font, I found a condensed font is all but unreadable at smaller sizes in the list view. Inter is a terrible choice for titles on mod pages, but for titles within the list view it's much better.

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15 hours ago, Lollia said:

The forums are also on the dark side, I grant you, but the difference is that I do not have any obligation to spend the same intense amount of time here as I do when formatting pages for the umpteenth time or monitoring comment sections.

Wholeheartedly agree with this. Everyone's pages look ugly and unreadable now (mine included) and I can't imagine wasting my eyesight on formatting any new mod pages in the recent future with this UI, nor reading some other mod's lengthy description (yes, I'm one of those people who actually does).

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4 hours ago, mfPixel said:

That text size is incredibly small and not easy to read/accessible for visually impaired people. Increasing the text size to something legible makes it harder to handle all the meta-data while maintaining a balanced hierarchy.

And yet, it's more readable because there's (was) different font color/weight which makes distinguishing info easier (instead of the current barely legible drab grey). Also, the update date was lower than the upload date (instead of to the left as it's now)which also is more convenient because most mods are made in languages read from top to bottom and from left to right, thus your current layout makes the update date more important and easily mixed up with the upload date.

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12 minutes ago, LummoxJR said:

Unlike on a mod page, where I changed to a condensed font, I found a condensed font is all but unreadable at smaller sizes in the list view. Inter is a terrible choice for titles on mod pages, but for titles within the list view it's much better.

Maybe try to play with the letter-spacing option?

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