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Bad!! news my super 2070 grinded to a halt yesterday, she rebooted with a coal wine then cease to operate. With a friend of mine did some of the hard work.. I did not put a warranty on it because i never had a problem like this before. So we had to use the manufacturer warranty instead. With the Covid 19 thing, it'll take a month to get a replacement from MSI.

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Sadly I am aghast at the sad news about your Nvidia ... 2070. I hope you have a back up video gaming card until you get it replaced?


I'm waiting to see if Mktavish read the last PM we shared to find out what he thinks.


I echo Paga's hope for you Niph ... that you have an older card laying about to act as your stopgap. I've had a few nVidia cards give up the ghost on me over the years, and have been fortunate enough to have old cards to save the day.


Paga, once again you've illuminated a path that I had perhaps noticed but never took the time to dig into.


I got a notification concerning a certain action that you took this evening and when looking for your name on the list presented in the Oblivion Nexus page I often use for checking that list I wondered at first on why I didn't see you added to the list (was looking at the bottom, which I interpreted as the most recently added). Then I spotted you way up near the very beginning of the list. That got me wondering how the list was sorted, and of course I devised a way to check a theory that popped into my noggin (and it proved my theory to be true).


You should be pleased as punch to find that you are the fourth most longstanding member on my list (with some pretty heady contemporaries I might add).

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Sadly I am aghast at the sad news about your Nvidia ... 2070. I hope you have a back up video gaming card until you get it replaced?


I'm waiting to see if Mktavish read the last PM we shared to find out what he thinks.


I echo Paga's hope for you Niph ... that you have an older card laying about to act as your stopgap. I've had a few nVidia cards give up the ghost on me over the years, and have been fortunate enough to have old cards to save the day.


Paga, once again you've illuminated a path that I had perhaps noticed but never took the time to dig into.


I got a notification concerning a certain action that you took this evening and when looking for your name on the list presented in the Oblivion Nexus page I often use for checking that list I wondered at first on why I didn't see you added to the list (was looking at the bottom, which I interpreted as the most recently added). Then I spotted you way up near the very beginning of the list. That got me wondering how the list was sorted, and of course I devised a way to check a theory that popped into my noggin (and it proved my theory to be true).


You should be pleased as punch to find that you are the fourth most longstanding member on my list (with some pretty heady contemporaries I might add).



Ah! I am glad to see that clicking on the pop up box head and shoulders icon with the + sign worked. I remember clicking on the Profile at the page and later when I looked in on the profile it somehow came back saying, "Add me as a Friend" instead of "Remove me as a Friend". I recall seeing the avatar and then it disappeared for no reason.


I can't explain it, but I think I'm going to use the little Pop up that appears in the post when I place the mouse on the name of the person so I see that icon pix with the + to add someone as a friend; from now on.


Do do do Do, Do DO Do do: good evening ladies and gentle I'm Pagafyr ( sort of like Rod Serling ) and you've just entered into the COMPUTER SERVERS MYSTERIOUS ZONE! :laugh: Tonights episode, Friends Pixs disapperence. About a friend that had a lot of his friends avatars images disappear from his friends list in his profile, but at their profile page it was listed as a friend and it still said, "Remove me as a Friend" in their friends profile page suggesting their pixs were only invisible in the pix of the profile list where you can manage your friends.

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Paga when you're looking for the missing avatar pics are you looking on this forum version of your profile or one of the game site versions (i.e. where you are taken when you click the Nexus Profile link while looking at your profile here on the forums).


On the forums view of my profile I see 12 people (including you BTW) but on the Nexus Profile page I see the full list. Looks to me a first blush using my newfound info on the sorting used on the Nexus Profile list that the 12 shown on the forums view are only the most recently added.


Good that you had backup Niph ... way better than relying on your phone for the next couple of weeks.

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