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As bad as that is there's always someone worse of than you. At least you live in Australia, a country where you've got a future, choice, a right to vote, and a very low chance of being shot. A large percentage of the human population live in countries where they have very little choice, no future, can't vote, and are ruled over by gibberish-screaming lunatics who use an ancient religion that they have no knowledge or interest in as an excuse to be dictators. Life may feel bad but millions of people would give anything to be in your shoes right now.

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Sorry to here that Bilyro, your not alone on the subject, its not he end of the world.


In other news amd is sponsoring raptr, if you haven't noticed, big when fro that awesome forum-gaming community-tracking games and stuff.


also to take your mind off things, here is how long it would take to run across the world record holder fro the biggest map ever made gta v.


Rockstar was like screw you api's, we have a engine that does that all in any environment.


Its the detail of the water and the terrain is unreal, its actually quite beautiful at times. To the point its like i gotta take a picture :D


the remarkable thing is, there is l almost zero pop ins.

Edited by Thor.
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I'm devastated. Mum and Dad are getting divorced. I can't believe it.

Sorry to hear about that pal, happened to mine when I was only 12. In fact in all the friends I had most of their parents are divorced by now, I guess it's quite common these days but it'll be ok after the initial shock, if they were unhappy together and it was causing a bad atmosphere then time apart will make things better for everyone.

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I hope you don't mind me stealing your signature, Iv000. :tongue:


Not at all, I upgraded mine a tad :P




I'm devastated. Mum and Dad are getting divorced. I can't believe it.




I hate hearing things like that.


Look dude, if you want to talk or anything really I'm always here. You can PM me on the Nexus or just message me on Steam, I'm almost always online. Mine aren't divorced but it's pretty much the same thing, just that they live in the same house. I haven't seen them being nice to one another in years since I can remember. I'm just saying, not comparing it to anyone's situation, just saying I kinda have a bit of experience with such stuff, and we're the same age you and me so you know.


Anyway, hang in there, you can always talk to me if you need it :)

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I had a rather special evening tonight that sort of came out of nowhere. I feel completely emotionally drained and rather upset, yet somehow better for it. Watched a film with my GF called Senna-honestly I didn't think she'd even be interested let alone come home with it, but I'm glad she did because it was one of the best films I've ever seen, even if it was a documentary rather than a movie. Specifically, it was a biography-about Ayrton Senna-created by stitching several thousand scraps of historical film together, with no narration or music, and letting them tell the story rather than having a script. It was a really beautiful film, and while I'm not normally a particularly emotional person, this did really effect me. At first because I was afraid that I wouldn't like Senna, seeing him through the eyes of a somewhat cynical adult, and then later because well, any F1 fan knows how a Senna biographical is going to end from the beginning.


The biggest surprise for me was how much it effected Jess-I probably should have warned her how it had to end, but as upset as she was she did better than me. Senna was, as a driver, just... incomparable. The worse the race conditions got, the better he drove, and he made an art out of pushing a car far beyond what it was ever designed to do-and I idolised him as a child. If anything, coming back as an adult I admire him every bit as much, albeit for different reasons. Most Formula One drivers are arrogant-they're literally the best racing drivers on earth-Senna never was. He had this grace and quiet humility about him, and a completely different approach to the sport to anyone else-I've only ever seen one other racer with a similar personality(one Valentino Rossi) and that's a story for another time.


Of course this was a biography so it could only end one way-even knowing that it still kind of shocked both of us(and I really should have mentioned what would happen) Senna died in an accident in '94-a day I still vividly remember, the day after Roland Ratzenburger, another driver, died at the same track. It shocked everyone-Formula One had gotten so complacent, and Senna was just so talented, that everyone had just thought he was immortal. In the end he ran out of luck just like everyone else, and died within minutes of hitting the wall. The only positive to come out of it was that in the aftermath, Sid Watkins-the FIA doctor and a close friend of his, lead an effort to completely re-design the sport's cars and rules, enhancing safety to the point that not only has there hasn't been a single driver fatality since, but that there hasn't been a driver even injured since the mid 2000s.

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